1 Corinthians 1:25, NIV
For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 1 Corinthians 1:25, NIV No one can ever fathom the wisdom of God. There may be times when you feel like you know what you are doing, but you need to constantly consult Him. Simply because God is wiser. Humbly accept His corrections because He knows what’s best for you. Aside from that, rely on His strength because He will sustain you. Do not anchor yourself on a weak foundation. Go to God, and He will help you stand. He will give you the grace to overcome your problems. His…
1 Corinthians 1:18, NIV
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18, NIV The cross doesn’t always make sense to others. They can’t seem to understand the reason behind what Jesus is doing. They are not even aware of its power. But for us who are saved by grace, we know that the cross is more than just a symbol. It’s a representation of God’s love. The pain that Jesus experienced on the cross should’ve been our punishment. But God wanted to save us from the eternal consequences of our sins. That’s how…
The Hard Stuff Will Push You To Grow Up
Don’t take every negative thing in your life as something that will destroy you. Behind the pain and struggles is God’s favor. You have to look at the brighter side to see the blessings. Don’t rely on your own understanding. Sometimes, when we go through trials, our first response is to question God’s will. We tend to judge Him according to the situation that we are in, not knowing that He is working behind the scenes. The hard stuff He allowed you to face can push you to become a better person. It opens your eyes to the things that you need to change. It renews your mind and allows…
1 Corinthians 1:9, NIV
God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9, NIV Remember this verse if you are going through so many struggles in life and you feel like there’s no hope left. God is faithful. He will never change. So don’t be afraid, especially when you face unexpected circumstances. Don’t be easily discouraged. Know that your God is faithful, and His promises will remain. His grace will be there to sustain you. He will give you everything that you need, including those things that you never asked for. Just set your eyes on Jesus. Stay in His arms and abide in…
Someday, You Will Thank God For The Mess
God is moving in ways you can never imagine. Behind the mess you are in is a mysterious blessing that God prepared in the spiritual realm. You won’t see the changes because your eyes are too consumed with what’s happening around you. Perhaps you are having a hard time dealing with your negative emotions. You looked at things according to your own perspective. But remember that God is working. You are not alone in this season. You may feel like you are carrying the burdens alone, but God’s hands are with you all along. The perfect time will come when you look back and thank God for allowing you to…
Romans 15:7, NIV
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:7, NIV Remember how Christ accepted you despite all your mistakes and sins. He never condemned you nor recalled what led you to experience brokenness. Jesus chose to love the sinners. He hates the sins, but He cares for the sinners. So, when someone commits a mistake that greatly affects you, then just remember the way Jesus held you when you were drowning in the darkness. Show compassion. Love others. Extend His grace. Accept the person as who He is. When you do that, you will bring honor to the name of God.…
Romans 14:10, NIV
You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. Romans 14:10, NIV Don’t quickly judge the people around you. Don’t focus on the negative things that they did. Give them the space to grow and become a better person. Find a way to live in peace with others. Treat them just like how God treated you. Let His kindness lead you to love and serve others. Remember that one day, we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. We will give an account of the things that we did to our brothers and…
Jesus Will Help You Rise Above The Temptations
The enemy tried to tempt Jesus while He lived here on earth. But despite the temptations that He experienced, He overcame the evil power. If Jesus was able to do that, He can also help you win over the temptations you face. Come to Him and ask for help. Don’t rely on your own strength. Instead, be rooted in His love and allow His words to penetrate your heart. It is a sword that will fight against the lies the enemy tries to inject into your thoughts. It’s like a weapon that will lead you to victory. So when you are surrounded by things that push you to give up,…
Romans 14:7, NIV
For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. Romans 14:7, NIV Keep in mind that Jesus is your Lord and King. So don’t act as if you live and die for yourself. Treat Him as the source of your strength. Live for Him. Sometimes, it means allowing our selfish desires to die and let the Holy Spirit reign. It won’t always be easy because you will feel that there’s an unseen battle within. But never do things on your own. Rely on God. Have faith in Him. Live to seek His face and magnify His name. Only then will you realize that…
God Wants To Put You In A Place Where You Will Grow
You may ask questions right now because it seems like God mistakenly put you in the wrong place, but if you focus on the things that will help you grow, you will realize that you are surrounded by many opportunities. You have to change the lens that you are using and try to zoom out. Only then will you appreciate the lessons God prepared behind the situation He allowed you to experience. If you listen to His voice and allow His wisdom to reign, you will take every hardship you face as an opportunity to grow and become a better person. Seek God and connect to Him so that you…