His Word

Day 12 – 1 John 2:9

Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness.

1 John 2:9. NIV

If you still feel bitter because of what other people did in your life, then it means that you are still living in the darkness. You haven’t fully forgiven them, and the pain you feel inside will hinder you from living in God’s light. So choose to receive God’s grace, and only then will you learn to release mercy to others. Do not dwell on the pain or the negative emotions that you feel. Set yourself free from the chains of the past and allow God to teach you how to love those people. He will fill your heart with His love so that you will learn to share it with others. You will only know that you are already living in the light once you choose to love and stop hating the people around you.

I pray that you will allow the light of God to reign inside your heart.

One Comment

  • Rita Lawrence

    I would not hate.
    That isn’t me but I would like people one forgives to do the necessary steps too to help that person they took advantage of.