Be Faithful in Small Things
Sometimes, God will only give you the big blessings the moment you learn to manage the simple responsibilities that He gave you. If you stay committed to those little things, then that’s when God will give you greater opportunities. So be faithful with the resources that He has given you. Stay committed to the responsibilities that He gave you in this season and choose to grow in His presence. Pray for a teachable heart so that God will teach you how to properly take good care of His blessings. He is strengthening your values and character because they are the essential things that you need in order to manage His big resources.
You may think that what you are doing right now is nothing compared to others, but you never really know what God is doing on the inside. Just be patient and choose to persevere. Serve Him and stop pleasing others. Do everything for the sake of His glory, and you will not miss out on the lessons that He wants you to learn. Do not treat God’s commands lightly. Stay focused in doing His words. And when the time is right, He will take you to the next level.
Treat God as the King of your life. Offer to Him everything that you do, even the little things. Let your lifestyle reflect who your God is. Start your day with Him, and let His words remind you to stay faithful all throughout the days of your life. Know that He is watching. You may think that you are working for the sake of earning money, but let your output reflect who your God is. Please Him first, and you will see amazing changes in your life. Let the works of your hands magnify His power. Glorify Him in all that you do, and you will never treat your daily routine as something simple and ordinary.
Putting Him at the center makes all the difference. Treating Him as your boss will change the way you do things. God deserves to see your best, so give Him your all every single day, and you will be amazed about what might happen next. Please Him, and you will feel so fulfilled inside. In His presence, you will have the courage to stop your bad habits. God can completely transform your life. Just treat Him as your everything.
Take good care of the blessings that God entrusted to you right now. You will never know when He will get them back, so while you still have them, try your best to properly steward what you have. Ask God for wisdom so that you will realize the vast resources that He provided you. One of the priceless things that He is giving you is your time. Use it for His glory. You may think that you have all the time that you need, but the truth is, it’s a very limited resource. So don’t waste it on things that will not benefit your whole being. Fix your eyes on God, and He will teach you how to properly schedule your day. Let Him direct your life and let Him guide you to the right thing to do. Remember that tomorrow is always uncertain, and what you do today will affect the way you deal with the challenges you will face in the future. So never take His blessings for granted. Treasure and maximize them.
You will only know the purpose of the blessings you receive once you allow God to speak to you and change your perspective. If you let Him open the eyes of your heart, you will realize that what you have right now is not just for you but also for the people who boldly need help. Your blessings are meant to be shared. And you can only appreciate that perspective the moment your character and values are aligned to God. So while you still have the little things, allow God to mold you. Let Him unfold your hidden potential and talents. Surrender to Him your own understanding and let Him reveal to you His wildest desires. You are part of God’s divine plan to restore this world. And it will only happen the moment you allow Him to change your character. Sometimes, He will do it by teaching you how to be faithful in simple things.