Faith,  Love

God Loves You For Who You Are

Always put this in your heart, God loves you so much. He never looks at your imperfections. He accepts you for who you are. And there’s nothing that you can do to make Him love you less. So when you feel so down and hopeless, remember that God’s love will always be there to embrace and guide you. The pain you feel inside will fade because God will be the one who will heal your wounds. He will never stop doing good things for you. He will continue to provide you with enough blessings. He will sustain you until you receive enough strength to overcome the challenges that you are facing.

People may expect a lot of things from you, but God knows your heart, and He knows all your potential. He knows that you are not perfect. That’s why He send His son Jesus to save you from your sins. So stop being too harsh to yourself. It’s okay to commit mistakes. Please never condemn yourself for the wrong things that you did. Learn the lesson but never allow the negative emotions to consume your heart. Remind yourself that God loves you so much, and He wanted you to grow. Move forward and apply the lessons you learned so that you will be responsible enough to handle the different situations in your life.

Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. You may have negative thoughts in your mind but always remember that you are a child of God. You are not worthless. You have a purpose here on earth. People may not appreciate your worth, but God knows how precious you are in His eyes. May you learn to see yourself the way God sees you. If you only realize His great love, you will also learn to accept yourself. And above all, you will live according to your identity in the Lord. Only then will you realize that God prepared a lot of great things for you.

God treasures you with all His heart. Please keep that in mind. Because when you go through hardships, your faith will be tested. And if you are not rooted in His love, you will forget who you are in His eyes. When that happens, you will feel so hopeless to the point that you already wanted to give up. So fix your eyes on Jesus. Listen to His voice and believe with all your heart that you are His beloved, and that will never change.

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