
Break the cycle

Every family is not perfect
There are generational strongholds
That you needed to break
That you need to heal

You can inherit
Negative character from parents
Such as bad temper, envy
Even self-pity and unforgiveness

These characters have spiritual roots
And can pass through generations
So break the chain
You are meant to stop strongholds

Let Jesus flow into your family
Take the first step
And receive healing for you
And for the generation to come

Don’t carry the bitterness
You don’t have to live in brokenness
You don’t have to live a life
That expects broken things

Jesus is in you
That means there is still hope
If you always feel in pain
Then let God treat you

The blood of Jesus
Is already powerful enough
Start praying for it
Let Jesus change you

So that one day,
You will experience transformation
You will witness change
That you desire for your family


  • Net

    The poem brought me to tears
    I grew up in a dysfunctional family
    I am in the process of healing
    And it is a painful long process
    So glad God showed me your web page

  • Net

    I am in the process of recovering from a very painful childhood and young adult.
    Your poem spoke “volumes” to me
    I will and have enjoyed reading your posts