
Can’t you see?

Yes, you are surrounded by so many problems. You are carrying a heavy burden. You feel like there’s no hope. But can’t you see? God is still giving you another day to live. He is providing you all your needs. You are still breathing and learning new things. You are still living with the people who deeply love you. Maybe you think that you are alone, but the truth is, God’s grace has been with you ever since you are born. It’s hard to see the good things, especially when your heart is breaking but believe with all your heart that the ways of God are still the same.

You can’t see Him move, but His love for you never changes. He remains the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That means He will not stop loving you. And whether you believe it or not, He is always there holding your hands. Open your heart so that you will appreciate His blessings. Acknowledge the truth that you don’t know everything. Let Him change your perspective.

Look at His creation so that you will be reminded how good God is. Can you hear the birds singing? It means that you still have the reason to rejoice and be glad. God took good care of them. How much more His children? Surely, He will give you your daily bread. You will never feel hungry in His presence. Look at the flowers outside. They will remind you that there is still beauty in your life. You still have the reason to smile and cherish everything that you experienced.

Look at the trees in the forest. God nurtured them and made them grow. He will do the same thing in your life. He will prosper you in His presence. One day, you will flourish and bear fruits that will bless others. Above all, look at the little children, and they will remind you to be grateful even for the simple blessings that you receive. Can’t you see? You are surrounded by wonders and miracles. God’s creations are sending you a powerful message that is full of hope and miracle. 

God is also speaking to you through His words. He is reminding you what this life is all about. He searches your heart and empowers you to get up. The scriptures will reveal the status of your soul, and there, you will slowly learn to walk in His ways. He never stopped talking to you. Open up your bible, and you will hear Him speak.

God will lead you to the right path. You just need to learn how to meditate on His words. It’s hard for you to appreciate His hands if you will not fill your mind with Heavenly perspective. How you see things depend on what you believe in. So align your thoughts to His words, and you will discover the hidden blessings behind the pain and heartaches you are going through.

Look at yourself. The fact that you are still reading this is already a great blessing. This is one of His ways to remind you that there is still hope. God will use the resources around you to prove that He never leaves your side. Can’t you see? He is using people to bless your life. You are not worthless. You are His child. When will you learn to appreciate His goodness? When will you cherish the seasons that allowed you to experience? You may not physically see Him, but He is with you. His grace never fails.