Faith,  Love

Child Of God, You Are Treasured And Loved

The circumstances you are facing right now may push you to do the unthinkable. You may find yourself so lost and broken. You may think that nobody cares for you, then you need to remember that the world may break your heart, but you are treasured and loved in the eyes of God. The problems that you are facing right now are nothing compared to God’s great love. You may not see Him or feel His presence, but you need to believe with all your heart that you still have a purpose here on earth. God wants you to see the beauty behind the challenges that you are facing. So cheer up and do not be dismayed.

Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. You are not worthless. There is still hope for you, so stop living in the darkness. Purify your thoughts and expose yourself to the good things that God is doing in your life. Focus on the blessings that you received and not on the challenges that you are facing. Do not rely on your own understanding. Instead, allow God to change your perspective in life. He will let you realize who you are in His eyes, and only then will you receive His great love. Do not entertain the things that will destroy you in the end. Listen to the voice of God and let Him direct your life.

If you wanted to activate your faith, you need to believe even if you can’t see any progress. Believe that God loves you so much, and He will fulfill His promises in your life. Move forward and never let the negative things you experienced stop you from doing what is right. Trust that God is always there to protect you, so you don’t have to be afraid. You are His beloved, and He will never abandon you. So believe that He is watching over you everywhere you go.

Seek your identity in the Lord and not on what people say about you or even in your accomplishments in life. You are who you are because God created you to be unique and special. You are a child of God, and He alone knows your true identity. You are created to experience great things in life. So never let the disappointments you feel hinder you from glorifying His name. Keep on doing the right thing. God is listening to your heart, and you matter to Him.