Carry your Inner Child with you, and Remember to Have Fun in Things you Do
You would find yourself learning a lot along the path of life. Sometimes, life treats you well or somehow it mistreats you. It can make you experience a lot of ups and downs. Now that you are grown up, you see things differently. You learned the value of humility and responsibility as your role in life continues to change. And some of the things you have experienced make you the person you are today.
You meet people that taught you so many things. They make you realize how important life is and how to treasure it. They taught you how to be grateful, no matter how small things are. Some of them have taught you how to be generous and how sharing could change someone else’s life. But, on the other hand, some people could have hurt you. Some people have made you feel unvalued and unappreciated.
However, no matter what the state of your life is right now, please do not forget to enjoy and have fun with what you do. Like a child who appreciates fun and play, bring that inner child in you every day. Have you noticed how free a child is? Let that also be a part of you even if you are grown up. The things that God laid in front of you and those you have experienced carry a lot of lessons to guide you. But it doesn’t mean that the fun needs to stop.
You are made of unconditional love. God would never destroy you. God wants you to be that kid that never loses his smile. You deserve to laugh and unload the things that burden you. Lighten up your heart with all the things that pressure you. Remember how God performs excellent things in your life and believe that He will do more than that.
Observe how children look for fun in every situation? Like they would look for something to play with and create a world with it? For sure, you have been that kid as well. So, rather than being frustrated with the rain, learn to dance in it. Rather than getting disappointed with the traffic, take it as a chance to think. Rather than getting frustrated with a long queue, make it a time to meet new people.
See? Being too serious may be something we need in life, but it never means losing the fun. So, have fun just like a child. Remember that God designed you with joy and love. Now, let that joy reign in you rather than pure frustration and anger. Every day, find a reason to be funny, and smile! Your smiling face will not only bless you but it will also brighten someone else’s day.
Just remember, you are not in control of your situation, but you have Someone with you who can, and that is God. So enjoy your life with Him.