Let God Change You
Change is vital in our lives. Like how the world evolves so fast, people also make haste to get along. We are all surrounded by things that affect our lives and make us continually experience changes. There are times when changes happen in your favor. You worked hard and made sacrifices. You willingly learn and humble yourself along the way and just focus on the things that will help you to be where you are right now. Because of your faith and hard work, you achieved victory and success. God may have blessed you with what you earnestly prayed for after waiting patiently and courageously overcoming difficult seasons in your…
When God shows you just a Small Piece of the Whole Puzzle
God’s ways are always mysterious. Most of the time, He will just show you the next step instead of the whole staircase. And it’s up to you if you will continue to walk or not. God’s plans are too great that we can’t simply comprehend them in one setting. That’s why He needs to take us to the process so that we can fully embrace the purpose that He planted in our hearts. If you are still trying to figure out the things that you want to do for Him, then keep this in mind – obey Him even if He only showed you just a small piece of the…
God’s Blessings Flow Endlessly
God’s blessings will continue flowing in your life as long as you are still breathing. You are blessed the way He knows and loves you. Sometimes, your eyes are so focused on someone else’s life that you forget to take care of yourself. Rather than feeling envious of others, know they have been through a lot before they reached success. Don’t just see their victory but also learn from the process that they have been through. Learn how they built their courage beyond the uncertainties that they felt. Learn how they remain in their faith and hold on to God’s promises when they have all the reasons to break down.…
Something in your Life will Always be more Significant Than your own Desires
To experience absolute freedom in this life, you must acknowledge the reality that there will always be something and someone more significant than you. Doing your best based on being recognized is fine, but to be the best of the best in one thing will only bring you a distraction. Being on the top will give you an ecstatic feeling that is very addicting but know that that place is replaceable. You will never be satisfied if you just have yourself on your life’s journey. If you only rely on happiness for things that you will achieve, you will not experience genuine peace and absolute joy. Real success and victory…
Allow God to Help you Deal with your Trust Issues
You won’t be able to fully embrace God’s blessing in a relationship if you are still dealing with a lot of trust issues in your heart. You can’t fully appreciate the people around you if you keep building walls that will stop them from coming inside. You won’t be able to experience what it means to truly love others if you do not open your heart. Trust may not be easy to give because of the pain that you experienced, but you will feel like you are in a cage if you always keep your heart hidden. Things in your life will be limited. Yes, you need to protect yourself…
Your Worries can never Lift you Up
If you want to survive, then look for things that will push you to keep going. Your worries can never do that for you. Things will remain complicated if you will keep on thinking about your unanswered prayers. You will never value the blessings around you if you focus on what you don’t have. Your worries can never solve your problems. In fact, they will just lead you to the dark path. And the sad thing is, what you are worrying about never really exists. They are just mere imaginations that seem to appear so real in your head. Choose to live in the present. Wake up and look at…
God’s hands will always Find you
When God destined you to be in a certain place, He will always make a way to pull you into that fate. He will orchestrate everything. Maybe He will let you go through things that are tough and difficult. He will challenge you on random stuff because He wants to build your faith in. You may want to write your own story and plan things in your life, but when God wants you to fulfill your purpose, He will always make a way to get you back on it. So do not worry too much, for He knows what He is doing. He is not doing things against your will…
God will give you strength to go through problems, not just answers
The answers to your prayers are not the only things that will help you through life. Desiring relief is satisfactory, but you cannot ignore the fact that you must go through unexpected moments. But know that the challenges are not there to punish you. It is there to help you build strength and grow. It’s not really about the problem, but it’s about how you handle it. Before you encounter that obstacle, God has already orchestrated something in you that will help you. He knows that you can do it because He is your maker. Sometimes, you can’t help but focus on your weaknesses. But know that it’s normal. It’s…
You will Bloom once you become Honest with Yourself
Sometimes, God will reveal something about yourself that will be hard for you to accept. He will show you your reality that will be hard to believe in. God will bless you in every endeavor that you will choose. Still, sometimes you need to face the things you have been avoiding for a long time or even something you never knew that caused you to be who you are in the present. But despite the pain, know that His intention is always clean and pure. You must acknowledge that there are parts of you that need fixing for you to see more of His blessings. His guidance, and favor are…
Let God teach you how to Value your Peace and Worth
God wants you to experience the kind of peace and worth you deserve. He wants you to know how loved you are. His peace and kindness always wait for you. Treasure His word and promises like no one can take it away from you. Nourish what He promised from the start, and let that give you the courage to go on and fulfill your purpose. Know that He is always available for you. He has the time and the resources that you need. He even holds the love that no one else can give. Remember that you can always run to Him and cry for everything. Know that He is…