Self Development
Use the Circumstances around You to Grow and Flourish
Whether it is good or bad, bitter or sweet, joy or sadness, sickness or health, whatever season you are in, you always have the chance to grow and prosper. Everything that happened in your life has a purpose. Most of the time, you won’t appreciate them especially when you still feel the pain, but later on, you will realize the lessons behind those difficult moments. So don’t be disappointed if you go through so many problems because that means God is giving you the chance to learn more about Him. Your circumstances will push you to do the things you’ve never done before. It gives you the chance to step…
3 verses to Remember when you Feel Unappreciated
1. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24 Remember that you are doing your work for the glory of God and not just for others. Imagine that all your efforts are seen by God. And because of that, you will receive an inheritance from Him. You may not physically see God, but it’s Him you are serving. That means you are constantly offering Him all your sacrifices. So if the people around you…
Dreams are not meant to be Buried
God purposely planted a desire in your heart because He gives you the ability to achieve them. He is planting a seed that will someday grow and flourish. So please don’t put conclusions without even trying your best. Your dreams exist not just to bring joy in your life but also to glorify God. He determines those desires according to how He created you. If you have something in mind that you really want to happen, then don’t easily give up on them. If you are surrounded by so many problems that you have already lost hope, then learn to surrender to God and allow Him to take over. Don’t…
You can never Please Everyone
You will slowly lose yourself if you keep on thinking about other people’s opinions. You can never make everyone happy. Whether you like it or not, there will be moments when you will receive unwanted comments from others. They may hurt at first, but later on, you will realize that what matters most in life is not the opinions of others, but it’s about how God sees you. So stop doing the unnecessary things that people ask you to do. You don’t have to appear strong when you are not. You don’t have to strive for things you don’t really want. Stop reaching the success that other people want for…
Change Happens when you Learn to receive God’s Presence
Only God can change you from the inside out. His grace can shift the way you see your life. And it’s not about your own efforts and strengths, but it’s more about God’s presence. So if you want to experience breakthroughs, just open your heart and humbly receive the love of God. Accept the truth that you are a treasure in His eyes. When you believe with all your heart that God is in love with you, then you will also live according to the identity that He has given you. Focus on knowing your King, and you will discover your true worth. Change happens when you are fully convinced…
God Welcomes you and your Thoughts, so do not be Afraid to tell Him Everything
We sometimes take our time crafting the words we want to tell God. Our impression of prayer is that it needs to be precise, reasonable, intentional, and full of praise. It isn’t wrong. But there is more to prayer than that. Prayer is our one way of communicating with God. It is a perfect time to tell Him everything our thoughts could land unto. Whatever that is in our mind, we can tell everything to Him. That is why there is always a reason why we need to talk to Him every day. Let us remember that God is not counting our faults, but He wants to do various miracles…
If you want to Grow, then try not to Pressure yourself to be Right all the Time
Everyday of your life, you’ll face situations wherein you need to choose. Like a default, you will always think of the right thing to do. Doing what is right seems to become your way of life. In the things that you are involved in, you can say that you did the right thing when the outcome matched the expectations but, you will sometimes label it wrong when it results in uncomfortable and painful situations. Well, it is not a surprise that doing what is right is what you should always think. It is a must, but there will be times in life when thinking always to be right will not…
Change becomes Challenging when you still have Unresolved Matters in the Past
Change is not always comfortable. Learning new things and dealing with them sometimes will require you to accept your past and manage the things you don’t know how to deal with. When you face different situations in life,change is always there. However, when we need to shift our perspective and understanding , we sometimes turn a blind eye to it and instead try to change the situation. Most of the time, we can’t control what’s happening around us. The only thing that we have complete control over is what is within us. Change is not only dealing with the present but also accepting your past. It is about releasing forgiveness…
Your Character is Shaped According to the Decisions that you Make
Your growth depends on the road that you choose to take. It’s not just about the circumstances that you face or about the people around you. Who you are depends on the choices that you make in your life. It means that you always have the power to change. God gave you the freedom to make decisions. He gave you the authority to take charge of yourself. Stop blaming others for the way you see things. Your surroundings don’t have the power to disturb you as long as you won’t allow them. You can choose how to think and react. You can determine your actions and do the things that…
Sometimes, Living a Fulfilled life means you Allow yourself to Experience Pain
It’s hard to fully appreciate real joy if you didn’t go through moments of sadness. Sometimes, you need to know what it means to be in pain before you learn to value all your blessings. So if you are going through a terrible moment right now, then take it as an opportunity for you to become a better person. Don’t hide your own emotions. Acknowledge your pain and accept the truth that it’s part of the process. Life will always challenge you to go through the hard paths. And those difficult seasons are not meant to break and hurt you. But they will serve as a great reminder for you…