Self Development
You are Your Own Character, and No one can Play it Better than You Do
No one else is made precisely the same as you are. God made you and destined you to live for a purpose; you are the only one who can play your character in this life. You are unique. That is why you are incomparable. Setting other people’s lives as your standard will not put joy within you but learning from them will. They are instruments and not rivals. Take what you can and use it for your own growth but never set them as your standard. Remember that you are writing your own story with Him. Remind yourself of what God promised you. Cover your ears from the lies that…
You can think of Positive Thoughts despite of your Negative Emotions
Negative emotions are normal. We are created to be emotional beings which is a great gift. It enables us to feel things that would teach us lessons on handling situations. Your sadness is something you have to go through. It can make you stronger. Tears aren’t a sign of weakness. It signifies acceptance of yourself and what you are feeling. Don’t associate your anger as part of your identity but it is a response to things you are afraid of. If you look closely, you know yourself by observing how you deal with what you feel. Know where your emotions come from. Diving into its roots will help you recognize…
Difficult People can Teach you How to be Humble
God allowed you to meet different people to teach you things in life. You will meet and hear different perspectives from them. It could be ideas that are opposite to your principles and beliefs. They would challenge you. Sometimes, their ideas will tempt you to fight with them. You want them to understand what you know. You are so eager to tell them what is going on. But remember what God has taught you. Meeting difficult people in life isn’t about knowing how to handle them but how you will understand them. They have been through stages in their lives that filled their hearts with hatred and fear. They also…
Don’t Hide the Light you have Inside
You are meant to shine. Jesus is in your heart. It means that He is giving you the chance to share His love with those who are broken and in pain. He is allowing you to experience His miracles. And you can’t receive more of Him if you will just stay in your comfort zone. You need to step outside the wall that you unknowingly created and explore the great blessings that God gave you. Share the goodness in your heart, and don’t be afraid. You may encounter pain and heartaches, but trust that you will have enough strength to make it through. You are more than who you think…
The Danger of Treating other People as your Source of Hope
A mere human can potentially give you false hope. And it’s not because they intentionally wanted to hurt you. It’s just they are broken, and they sometimes fail to consider the consequences of their words and choices. So do not fully depend on what they can do. Look unto God and fix your eyes on His promises. Trust in His power and not on other people’s strength. Remember that they are not God. They also commit mistakes, and there will be moments when you’ll feel disappointed because they haven’t met your expectations. Be more understanding of their situation and stop putting too much pressure on them. They are not the…
One of the Greatest Gifts you can give is your Time
Gifts don’t always have to be so costly. You can serve and show your love to someone through your time. Just like how God treasures His time with you. He will always be there to show His love for you. So serving Him isn’t costly. Give Him your time, and you will eventually realize how He will work in your life. You will recognize that you are favored and blessed. You don’t have to sacrifice things just to be with Him. Your time with Him is more than enough. Spend your days with God, and you will have a fulfilling day. Welcome Him in everything you do, even in the…
Allow Yourself to Grieve over the Things that Hurt You
You need to accept your feelings and emotions. Take some time and pause. Meditate about it. Let it flow, and embrace every bit of it. All of the sadness and hurt in your veins need to be recognized. Know your feelings and accept them. It will be a perfect time for you to understand yourself better. Ask God where those pains are connected. Let Him show you your unhealed past that He wants you to face. Your history is vital in shaping you into the person you are today. So let Him show it to you. Do not worry, for He believes in you and the strength that you have…
To those who Experienced Pain from the People they Love
You will be okay. It may not happen instantly, but your heart will be fully healed. You may not understand the reason why you need to go through that season, but God will be there to give you the strength that you need. Remember that those who choose to love despite the pain are the real warriors in life. You are an extraordinary person, not because of the things that you can do, but because you humbly follow God’s will despite what you feel. Keep going, and don’t be afraid to love again. It may take time for you to finally learn what it means to serve and accept others,…
The Waiting Season will help you Improve your Self-control
You will feel empowered after you pass through the waiting season. You will see yourself growing in ways you can never imagine. So if God tests your patience, then know that He is preparing great things ahead. You need to learn how to control yourself so that you will properly manage His blessings. It won’t be easy. You’ll feel very uncomfortable. You will see yourself dying on the inside because you can no longer do some of the things that you want. Sometimes, you will cry, and there will be days when you’ll get mad, but when you feel so challenged, that’s the perfect opportunity for you to grow and…
You can’t Figure out the Lesson if you keep Focusing on your Negative Emotions
There are treasures hidden behind the problems that you are going through. You just need to let go of certain things so that you will learn to welcome the lessons that God wants you to learn. He wanted to give you a better perspective, but sad to say, you’ll fail to figure things out if you only allow your negative emotions to affect your decisions. You won’t see the precious gifts that He prepared because you are too occupied with the problems that you face. Remember that God allowed certain difficulties to happen for you to grow and learn new things. He wants to strengthen your heart and stretch your…