Self Development

Serve one Person at a Time

This is not about the quantity, but it’s all about the quality of service that you give to the people around you. Do not focus on the number. Instead, choose to help one person at a time. Just give your all and let God do the rest. Listen to His instructions for He will be there to guide you and give you the wisdom you need. You don’t have to serve everyone. You just need to be faithful to those that God allowed you to serve. Open your heart and choose to share the goodness that God poured out into your life. Don’t focus on what you don’t have. Instead, set your eyes on the blessings that He gave and share them with those in need. You can start in small things. It doesn’t have to be extravagant and big. Take one little step at a time, and you will soon see amazing changes.

Sometimes, you feel exhausted because you are trying to serve everyone that comes your way. There’s nothing wrong with giving what you have to those who are in need. But you need to make wise choices especially in determining the right people that you need to serve. You can focus your resources on those that badly need your help. Ask God for guidance. You can’t properly serve someone if your mind is too occupied with so many things. You need to choose the right people and support them one at a time. Only then will you slowly learn to enjoy the journey with God. Acknowledge His will, and you will be able to maximize what He gave you.

Focus on what God wants you to do. Ask Him about the things that you need to consider, especially in making difficult decisions. God loves to see you serve others. But it’s going to be very exhausting if you do it according to your own ways. You need to learn how God does things. Receive His wisdom and choose to apply them. He will teach you so many things if you are only humble enough to let Him reign. God will lead you to the right people that you can focus on. If you happen to have so many commitments, and you already feel tired because things are already overlapping, then it’s time for you to slowly let go of those that you can no longer handle. Focus on what He asks you to do, and just allow Him to correct you.

Keep in mind that you are just a human. You have some limitations, and God created you with specific strengths. You must have the humility to acknowledge them because that’s the only way for you to be more effective. Set your eyes on what you do best and give up the rest. You can’t help everyone. You just need to determine those that you can truly serve according to the abilities and talents that God gave you. Do it one at a time. Don’t be too focused on the numbers that you already forget the purpose of why God asks you to serve Him and His people.