Self Development
It’s hard to make Decisions if you are still Emotionally in Pain
Be patient with yourself. Don’t force your mind to forget the things that are meant to be processed. Yes, you must not hold on to your negative emotions, but you need to acknowledge them. Respect what you feel, for they will help you realize the things that you need to change. Don’t command your brain to easily throw everything and move forward. Please don’t pressure yourself to make hard decisions, especially when your heart is still bleeding. It’s not easy to make the right choices if your wounded soul is still in the healing process. Take one step at a time and be more conscious of the things that you…
Acknowledge your weakness, and there, you will discover your strength.
In times of failure, we find ourselves sinking into our own grief. We review and remember ourselves as nothing but a bunch of failures and aches. Our weakness then slowly surfaced and became our image. Little do we know that it becomes how we value ourselves as we acknowledge it so. In moments when everything, we have planned for turns into something we feared most, the very thing we do is to turn away and have the will to move on — or so we think so. Moving on is a symbol of strength, but please don’t forget, along with it is your acknowledgment of your own weakness and that…
Treat your job as an opportunity for you to glorify God
There is a reason why God gave you that kind of job. You may think that it’s for the sake of earning money, but there’s a deeper purpose why you are in that. God is giving you a very big opportunity right now. This is your time to share to the people around you who Jesus is by how you talk, move, and perform your duties. Let His light shine, and you will experience miracles in your life. Sometimes, it’s not an easy thing to do, especially when you are surrounded by people who don’t believe in Him, but the more you show them who God is by the way…
Behind every season of Harvest are moments of Pruning and Hardships
Sometimes, what people see is the harvest season or the fruits in your life. They fail to count the difficulties you went through before that fruitful season happened. So when you see someone who appears to be very successful and victorious, learn to also consider those difficult seasons that they went through just to get to the place where they are. Good things happen to those who wait and work hard. Great blessings don’t only happen in an instant. Most of the time, it takes a long process, and so many difficulties before you finally receive them. There are still so many reasons you need to go through. There are…
Let the Challenges in your life Transform you into a Better Person
You will experience problems as long you live in this broken world. No matter what you do, you will go through situations that will test your character. And in every hardship is a chance for you to see a bigger perspective. When that happens, your mind will no longer revolve around your selfish desires and your emotions. Instead, you will learn to consider the will of God and the welfare of other people. In short, you will slowly become a better person. Just keep in mind that not all challenges will break your heart. Some of them can make you even stronger. So hold on and don’t easily quit. Know…
Sometimes, behind every Goodbye is a Chance for you to experience God’s Peace
Not all goodbyes are sad. Sometimes it gives you the chance to take some rest and experience God’s peace. At first, it feels so uncomfortable, but the moment you open your heart and mind to the lessons, you will realize that goodbyes are so important in your life. You just need to allow God to teach you how to see your situation the way He sees them. There is a blessing behind every ending. It may be so painful and heart-breaking sometimes, but when you patiently go through the process, you will realize that it’s worth it. Not everyone we meet or everything we experience is good for us. Sometimes,…
May you learn to say Good Things to Yourself
The voices in your head will somehow determine your direction in life. They can either lead you to the dark path or to God’s promises. It depends on what voice you listen to. If you choose to believe in the lies of the enemy, then you will be destroyed in the end. But if you keep your faith in what God is saying to you, then you will live a fulfilled and victorious life. You need to be more conscious of the things that are going on in your mind. How do you describe yourself when you encounter problems? What are the things you say to yourself? Do you follow…
Your Pain doesn’t give you the Permission to Condemn yourself
Accepting your mistakes and condemning yourself are two different things. You can acknowledge the wrong things you did and take responsibility for the consequences without putting yourself down. You must give yourself some time to process your emotions and be patient enough to wait for your heart and mind to recover. Please stop judging yourself. You may think that you understand what’s going on in your life, but only God knows what’s behind the scene. Trust in Him, and don’t put yourself in a place where you can no longer see His light. Focus on His grace and receive the compassion and love that God poured out in your life.…
When you Pour out what you Feel to the Right Person
We all have baggage that we need to surrender. We are not meant to carry them alone. Sometimes, God will ask us to lay down those things in His presence, and there are also moments when He will send the right people to minister and comfort us. When that happens, we will feel so blessed and loved because their presence will remind us of the goodness and faithfulness of God. So when you go through challenges in life, it’s very important that you are surrounded by people who know how to help you. Remember that “no man is an island.” God purposely allowed you to be part of a community…
Don’t allow your Earthly Wealth to hinder you from Respecting Others
Nowadays, people are so caught up in gaining wealth that they forget to remember God’s ways. The standards of this world will tell you to acquire more money to live a successful life, but that’s very different from the way God sees things. He honors those people who know how to obey and follow Him regardless of their status in society. And that’s how God wants us to live. We need to remember that everything we receive in this world is temporary. And the only way for us to gain eternal treasures is by abiding in His ways and not the standards of this world. Let’s not forget that the…