Self Development
Emotional pain can either Motivate or Discourage you
Emotional pain exists because of the wounds you receive from others. It’s not easy to deal with because people tend to neglect its existence thinking that it’s not important. But the truth is, the deep wounds in your heart can affect how you make decisions. They can make or break your life. So it’s better to deal with them in the right way before the worst things happen. Since it’s the kind of pain that can’t be seen, it’s difficult to deal with them just by relying on your own strength. You need a doctor who knows how to mend the broken pieces of your heart. God alone can do…
The Battle that can’t be Seen
There is a certain battle that you can’t see, and it happens inside your mind. It’s not easy to deal with it. It’s one of the difficult fights that you’ll face in life because other people can’t win that battle for you. It takes courage and great faith to overcome it. That’s why, if you don’t have enough strength, you’ll feel so exhausted. But you can’t allow the enemy to win because your life will be destroyed in the end when that happens. If you continue to listen and follow the enemy’s voice, you will feel like you’re living in the darkness. This is the reason why you must learn…
When you think Negative Things about Yourself
“I am not worthy. I am a failure. I am a loser. I am not beautiful. I am not smart. I’m so dumb. I’m not enough.” These are just some of the negative thoughts that a person declares to herself. We all go through this season when it seems like we can’t trust ourselves. And it’s not because of what happens around us, but it’s because of the things that are hidden within. What we are doing is like self-ambush. We slowly kill our joy and live in misery. If we don’t stop putting ourselves down, then we can’t help but die on the inside. Your thoughts are more powerful…
Behind a Toxic person is a Wounded Soul
Hard to get along withCan’t easily handle his angerReleases painful wordsAlways complainingWanted to be in controlAnd very impatient These are some of the characteristics of a toxic person. And you can find them anywhere. We can even notice some of these traits if we try to look at ourselves. And the sad truth is, people try to address the character instead of dealing with the main issue. What you physically saw and observed from someone are just symptoms of what’s within. The root of the negative traits can be found inside the heart. If you try to dig deeper, you’ll discover that behind every bad action are wounds that can’t…
Fear can Emotionally Paralyze you
It’s hard to always think of the positive things in life. Sometimes fear tends to consume our thoughts and keep us from the instructions of God. It’s like thorns in our hearts that cut deeper every time we face challenges. It’s not easy to overcome it. It’s like a battle inside that we wanted to end. It paralyzes us from doing the works of God. So if you think that your mind always thinks of the negative things and keep on entertaining fears, then it’s time for you to surrender. You can’t win that battle on your own. You need the love and the guidance of God. So come to…
One of the Most Precious Resources that we have is our Time
You may think that you lack resources that’s why you miss so many opportunities in life, then you are wrong. God gave you one of the most valuable resources that He can give to human beings – it’s your time. If you are still breathing and reading this right now, then it means you are rich enough in the eyes of God. The time that you have is like a treasure that can help you prosper in this world. You just need to learn how to manage it in a way that pleases God. Remember that you only have borrowed time. You never know when God will take it back.…
Your Actions will change when your Thoughts are Renewed
What’s on your mind is very important. Maybe you think that your thoughts don’t matter, but the truth is, they will eventually reflect on your actions. Your brain is like the CEO of your body. It dictates your mood, decisions, and your behavior. So when you keep on following the same pattern of thinking, you’ll stop learning new things. Then you will never grow. Your character will stay the same no matter how much you try to change them. The root of the problem is not your behavior. It may be the most evident part that you’ll first notice, but it lies in how you think. So work on the…
Your Weaknesses will lead you to depend on God’s love and power
There are great blessings behind your weaknesses. They may feel uncomfortable, but growth happens when you choose to rely on God’s love and power. When you feel so weak, there are moments when you can’t help but blame yourself. You think that it’s your fault and there’s nothing that you can do about it. But the truth is, you are not alone. Every human being in this world is not perfect. We all have weaknesses that we need to face. And it’s not easy to do it. But through God’s grace, we will be able to overcome them. Do not look at your weaknesses as a hindrance to your dreams…
Breakthrough Starts on the Inside
You will never experience change if you keep on following the same perspective over and over again. You need to learn and apply the lessons that God is teaching you. Know that He always works from the inside. Learn to deal with your heart and your thoughts first. Only then will your experience breakthroughs. Do not focus on your situation. Life will always throw unexpected circumstances that will test your soul. Just deal with what you can control. Focus on God and let Him teach you how to see things the way He sees them. There are certain events in life that need to happen first before you can fully…
Your Tears are precious Gifts
Let them flow, pour out your heart, and know that God understands you. Don’t hold them back. Your tears are wonderful gifts from your Father. They can wash out the impurities inside. They can express the things that you can’t put into words. Your pain may be unbearable but never forget that your tears will never be wasted. God is collecting them all, and when the time is right, you will smile again. You’ll appreciate those moments that made you stronger. Those painful seasons turned your heart into a beautiful masterpiece. But until then, just take every opportunity to pour out what you feel. Don’t be afraid to show your…