Self Development
Set your Priorities
You will not find it hard to set your boundaries if you know your priorities. Your work, family, friends, and above all, God Himself will demand time from you. That’s why you need to determine the things that are truly important in your life so that you can allocate enough resources to them. You will feel so exhausted if you will try to be there for everybody. You need to know your limitations and spend more time with the people that truly matter to you. At the end of the day, you will always come back to the reason why you are here. When your purpose is clear in your…
One day, you will thank God for all your Imperfections
You will value the power of God the moment you accept your imperfections. When you realize that there are things in life that you can’t do, you will learn to depend on Him and stop trusting in your own understanding. When that happens, you will encounter more of Him. You will know how important He is in your life. You will humbly ask for His guidance and follow His ways. Your weaknesses can lead you closer to His heart. They can open your eyes and help you see the truth behind the situation you are facing. You may not appreciate its value for now, but the time will come when…
The Victory Starts in your Mind
Your mindset plays a very important role in dealing with your problems. It’s very difficult to overcome the challenges if, even in your thoughts, you are already defeated. You need to think of the good things that will happen. Never forget that you are a child of God. You can do all things through Christ, who gives you the strength that you need. Let His power give you the courage to conquer the doubts and worries inside your mind. Believe in His promises and do not listen to the lies of the enemy. When you know how to fight the battle within, you will no longer find it hard to…
Your Success means Nothing if your Character will be Destroyed in the end
Never compromise your character just for you to achieve success. Who you are on the inside is like a foundation that shouldn’t be shaken by the temporary treasures of this world. Remember that God’s standard is different. He sees your heart, and He knows what can truly make you happy. So instead of insisting on the things that you wanted to achieve, choose to consult Him and let Him lead you to the right way. Who you are on the inside is more important than what other people physically see. This life is not about gaining honor for yourself, but it’s about glorifying God in the end. Only Him can…
Brave People knows that they Can’t make it on their Own
This world has a different standard, especially when we talk about a person’s strength. Some would think that’s it’s about doing things on your own and fighting the battle alone. But I believe that real brave people are those who acknowledge the truth that they need some help. It takes courage to accept that real strength is something that you didn’t carry inside, but it comes from the people who support you, and above all, it’s from God. So if you think that you are brave enough to fight the battles in front of you, then it means that you are ready to ask for help and let God move…
Let your Memory Bank be Wealthier than your Wallet
What’s inside your memory bank? How many precious moments do you already have? May you gain enough memories that will remind you that your life here on earth is never wasted. The experiences you have with the people you love are more expensive than the earthly riches you acquire here on earth. You can always buy another property, car, or jewelry, but you can never bring back the life of the person you love. That’s why you need to treasure your moments with them while you still can. Never compromise your relationships just for the sake of gaining earthly riches. Remember that you can never bring your wealth with you…
A Plant Builds its Roots before it Bears Fruits
A complete transformation is not something that you can see overnight. Most of the time, it takes a long process and a lot of “twists and turns.” It happens on the inside first, and then it starts to manifest in your surroundings. Just like a plant that needs to build roots before it bears fruits, you also need to strengthen your foundations first so that you will see changes in your life. It’s easier said than done, but the reward is greater than the riches that this world can give. The process is going to be worth it. So be patient, especially in seasons when God is still fixing your…
Don’t let your Weaknesses become part of your Excuses
We can’t do everything using our strength. We all have limitations, but that doesn’t mean you can no longer fulfill the purpose that God gave you. You may feel so weak in some areas of your life, but it’s not an excuse for you to just quit and give up. Your Creator knows your potential. Before He asked you to do something, He already determined the strength that you need. And through His grace, you will make it. Fix your eyes on His power, and remember that with Him, you can do all things. In your weakness, He will be your strength. In moments when you are tired, know that…
Allow God to Shape your Character
You are a work in progress. You haven’t discovered your true potential yet. And it takes the right character and attitude for you to make it. So while you are still alive, let God shape you into the person He created you to be. Allow Him to mold and form you into the best version of yourself. You will never know the things that you can do not unless you consult your creator Himself. Pray for a humble heart so that He can teach you how to reach the destination that He prepared for you all this time. Acknowledge the truth that you can’t make it on your own. You…
Doing the Right thing will not always give you Immediate Results
Do you know what’s one of the most challenging things to do? It’s when you wait for the results of your decisions. It’s when you try to live every single day and keep on asking yourself if what you did is right or wrong. It’s when you keep wondering if things will go well. Doing the right thing in this world full of unwanted expectations and high standards is not that easy. Sometimes, you need to wait and learn to be patient. But remember this, the truth will always prevail. You may not see the immediate results of your actions, but God will sustain you. He will prove to you…