Self Development
Today is a Chance for you to Look at your life from a Better Perspective
God allowed you to live for today because He still wants you to see the blessings behind the circumstances that you are facing. You are surrounded with favor and opportunities. So stop focusing on the painful things that happened in your life. Your problems are there not to break your heart but to make you stronger. You can’t appreciate what you have not until you change the way you see things. How you deal with the situation around you depends on your perspective. If you think that you can’t make it, you will really find it hard to overcome the trials in your life. But if you believe that there…
Choose to Love your Enemies
Yes, it’s not easy to do it. Especially when the wounds are still open and you can still feel the pain. But it’s a command that God wants us to do. We are called to love the people around us, including those who broke our hearts. It’s one of the things that set us apart from others. We choose to treat people with kindness not because we can do it by our own strength but simply because we trust that God will give us the courage to love them despite what they did. Be good to those people who fail to see your value. Be kind to those who mistreat…
Sometimes, what Destroys you are the things Happening on the inside
Maybe you feel so devastated because of the uncertainties around you, but sometimes, what’s going on inside is more important than what surrounds you. The way you look at yourself and how you deal with your wounds matters more than the problems you face. So focus on managing yourself, and you will learn to handle the different challenges you will encounter. Your heart’s status and the perspective you have will eventually destroy you if you do not align them to God. You can never control the situation around you. But the good thing is, you have the power to manage the things that are going on deep inside your heart.…
If God still gives you the Grace to Live, then the Fight is not yet Over
Today is a new beginning. God gave you the grace to live, which means you still have a purpose here on earth. You are still breathing not by accident but because He wanted you to win the battle you are facing. The fight is not yet over. So rise up, warrior of God, treat this day as a beautiful gift and an opportunity for you to overcome whatever it is that hinders you from following Him. There is more to life than the struggles that you are going through. Keep walking, and do not be discouraged. His grace will be there to sustain you. Remember that He is preparing a…
Your Respect and Faithfulness to God Will motivate you to Change from the Inside
How you see God will make a big difference in your life. If you respect and love Him with all your heart, then you will try to avoid the things that will keep you away from Him. You will choose to abide in His ways even in moments when you cannot understand what’s happening. Your respect and faithfulness to God are not built according to your own effort, but it starts when you choose to open your heart for His great love. So receive Him in your life first, and only then will you learn to do things that are aligned to His will. When you know Him more, you…
You Will Never Really Know where your Small Steps Would Take You
Dream big and just start small. You will feel so pressured if you keep on chasing the bigger things in life. It’s okay to have a huge goal but never underestimate the power of your small steps. You will never really know the changes that you will experience once you choose to take one step at a time. So keep on walking and don’t easily give up. Be consistent and faithful in small things, and you will slowly see changes in your life. Accept the truth that you will fail to value the big blessings if you will just receive them in an instant. Important things really take time and…
Sometimes, You go back to the past because you Can’t Appreciate your Present
You are surrounded by great blessings. But sad to say, you fail to appreciate them because you keep on thinking about the things that you experienced. You can’t see the good things around you because you are still living in the past and keep trying to recall those moments when you still have everything you wanted. It’s time to move on. You can never bring back the past. The things that happened in your life have a purpose. You are who you are right now because God wanted you to grow and learn new things. So stop staying in a place that no longer exists. The reality lies in your…
Stop Living Inside your Head, Go outside and Cherish the Moment
Our thoughts are there not to consume us but to help us weigh the different decisions in our lives. So whatever it is that you are thinking, just make sure that you don’t allow yourself to live inside the box of your mind. You may want to experience so many things, or perhaps you tried to imagine the plans that you wanted to fulfill. But that’s not where the reality is. It lies in your present moment. So don’t just stay inside your imaginations. Go out and treasure the blessings that God provided for you. Your reality may not be that beautiful compared to what you always imagine, but you…
If you Commit a Mistake, then Just Humbly receive God’s grace
Running away from the presence of God can never give you peace. It will never solve the problems and heal your pain. So if you know that what you did is wrong, then come to Him, and He will accept you. With a humble heart, choose to receive the grace of God. Yes, He hates sin, but He will never condemn you. He will forgive you as long as you repent and decide to do the right thing. Your mistakes can never change the love of God. So do not focus on the impurities in your heart. Instead, look at the goodness of God in your life and let His…
Never allow other People’s Opinion to Dictate your Value as a Person
You are who God says you are. Do not listen to those people who never really know your story. They don’t have the right to judge and condemn you. Nobody can judge a person. Even Jesus Himself chose to forgive the sinners. He never reminded them about their sins. Instead, He set them free from the chains of the enemy. So focus on Him and listen to His words. God knows you from the inside out. He created you, and He sees everything that happened in your life. He understands your heart, so choose to listen to Him. He holds the truth, and the moment you embrace your God-given identity,…