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    Listen Not To Answer But To Understand Other People

    To answer before listening— that is folly and shame. Proverbs 18:13, NIV Sometimes, it’s easier to speak than to listen. When we are at the peak of our emotions, we can’t help but find a way to express and release them through our words. But this verse in Proverbs simply reminds us to pause and choose to listen even if it’s hard. Sometimes, it takes dying on the inside. You need to hold back the things that deeply disturb you in order for the other person to feel heard and respected. This is not an easy thing to do. Imagine, you need to constantly remind yourself not to speak back…

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    Welcome every Season in your Life with a Grateful Heart

    You may not know what will happen next, but keep in mind that God always leads you to a season for a purpose. He determines the things that you need to experience for you to realize the important lessons that you must apply. Some situations may be part of your own will, but God will still use them so that you will learn to focus on the important things. For this reason, choose to thank Him even when you can’t understand what’s going on in your life. Remind yourself who God is. He is good, and He wants the best for you. He wants you to grow and prosper. If…

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    Acts 17: 26-27, NIV

    From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. John 17: 26-27, NIV God wants His people to reach for Him and find Him. He may not be far from us, but sin pushed us away from Him. Sometimes, we think that God doesn’t want us because we can’t feel His presence, but little do we know that His heart seeks…

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    Acts 4:23, NIV

    All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. Acts 4: 32, NIV This is a reminder for all of us that we shouldn’t create divisions between believers. When the disciples of Jesus were building the church, their souls stand united for the glory of God. They shared what they had. They didn’t feel entitled to the possessions that God allowed them to steward. Instead, they chose to release and gave them to those who are in need. Let’s always remember that Jesus is the center of every churches. This is not about…

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    Thank you

    Father God, Thank you so much for this lifeThank you for your loveThank you for the graceThat you showered upon me Thank you for all the blessingsThings that I can’t seeThank you for your favorsAnd for the opportunities Thank you for everythingFor the things you prepared for meYou are the reason why I am still hereAnd why I’m still fighting Thank you so much, LordFor EverythingFor more to comeAnd for Your love In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen

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    God’s Promises

    Believe in God’s PromisesKeep your faithAnd choose to grow in His promisesChoose to be in His presence You will never knowWhat will happen nextBut one thing is for sureGod will remain faithful Kee His promisesGod will give you strengthYou will soarRun and not grow weary Seek God’s wisdomHe will guide your stepsBe there with you alwaysAnd keep you awake When you cry outHe hears your voiceJesus saves you from sinsAnd He loves you so much God will lead you closeCloser to Him and His promisesHe will redeem youFrom the realm of the dead God will bless youWith grace, mercy, and loveHe will be with youIn truth and in love

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    God will shine in the Darkest Season of your life

    There will be moments when you are so caught up with everything that’s going on in your life. You become so busy with your work and responsibilities in the different roles you portray. Sometimes, when everything looks good and works well, another problem will pull you down into the darkness again. Although it won’t be the first time, the experience will be different. Sometimes, it will be twice or a couple folds that you have been through. It is hard to comprehend that although you have been through many tough times and seasons of your life, you will still find yourself in the middle of the darkness. Not all of…

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    If God calls you to do something, He knows you have what it takes

    Some struggle to believe in themselves that they can do what they are called for. Sometimes, opportunities suddenly open before you, and although you want them, you fear not making them. You are afraid because you cannot predict what will happen. Your mind is always a step ahead of your present. It builds hypothetical situations that make you worry even more.  If you look closely and pay more attention to your present, you will realize that your stress and worries aren’t really there. You do not need them at the moment. Because the thing that is holding you back is not yet happening. They are just thoughts. You are way…

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    Day 47 – Psalm 18:30

    As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him. Psalm 18:30,NIV Trust in the ways of God because it’s always perfect. You may not understand Him or the things that He is doing. But choose to keep your faith. Do not be in a hurry. Acknowledge the will of God and respect His timing. He knows what’s best for you. He is moving in the midst. He will perform miracles, and He will give you what you need. So focus on His power and believe in His words because they never fail. Take refuge in Him, and He will…

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    Get to Know Yourself more and you will learn How to Deal with People

    Are you having a hard time dealing with other people? Then the best thing that you can do is deal with yourself first, know the things you want and don’t want. Develop yourself, and you will learn how to deal with others. How you treat other people matters in how you deal with yourself. So try to check first the way you handle your own mistakes, failures, or even success. And only then will you slowly understand others. It will not happen instantly. Sometimes, knowing yourself takes a long and challenging process, but everything is worth it the moment you see yourself grow and prosper in God’s presence. Just learn…