Choosing Jesus is not always that easy, but it’s worth it
Walking with Jesus is like going through a narrow road. You will experience hardships. Many times, you will find it difficult to choose Him over the temporary pleasures that this world could offer. You are like in a middle of a war wherein you need to fight against your own desires. Because many times, God’s will is so different from what our flesh wants. This is the reason why Jesus told His disciples that to follow Him somehow means carrying your own cross. You need to constantly give up the temporary things that you want so that you will receive eternal gifts from God. It’s a hard choice because it requires faith. You can’t see His promises yet, but you just need to believe that what He is saying is true and it’s going to be worth it in the end.
Give up your own desires. Acknowledge the truth that God knows you from the inside out. It means that He is aware of the things that you truly need. Don’t rely on your own understanding. You are just a human. There are important matters in life that you still need to figure out. Trust that God is all-knowing. He sees what’s ahead. He knows the things that you need to prepare. So when He instructs you with something that you can’t comprehend. Just do it. Believe with all your heart that He loves you so much. Let Him be your God, and He will direct you to the right path. Sometimes, it doesn’t happen according to your expectations, but just allow Him to move, for He knows what He is doing.
Choose to follow the will of God. Do what’s right, even if it hurts. It means that you need to consistently follow Him even in moments when you can’t understand what’s happening. It won’t be easy. But God will be there to give you the strength that you need. His angels will provide you the right resources. Please His name and stop focusing on your own victory. Include God in every decision that you make. Walk with Him along the journey. And choose to follow His instructions, especially in moments when you feel so weak and tired. Lift your hands and allow Him to give you the grace that you need. He will move. God is always there to help you.
Don’t worry. Everything will be worth it. You won’t finish the journey alone. You will spend so many moments with Jesus, and that’s when you will discover who He truly is. Your relationship with Him will grow and prosper. The challenges that you face along the journey will help you grow your faith. You will never be the same after each storm that you and Jesus will overcome. Things will turn out good simply because you are walking in His light. Your tears will someday make sense. Soon, you will realize the purpose behind all the pain that you experienced.