Come And Search My Heart
Search my heart, oh Lord
And purify me from the things
that don’t please you
Take away the things
that will hinder me from honoring you
I may not understand
what’s happening within
But I believe
that your hands are holding my heart
Give me peace, Lord
Heal me from the painful past I’ve experienced
I just don’t know what to do
I just don’t know where to start
So I surrender to you, Father God
I believe that you understand me
So give me the humble heart
To acknowledge the things that are hard for me to accept
I don’t want to stay like this forever
I want to experience freedom
And I know that you are the only one who can set me free
Father God, I want to know you more
So change me from the inside Lord
Thank you for your unfailing grace, Father God
Thank you for being so patient with me
Thank you for keeping your promises
Even if I tend to forget you
Father God, I need your help
I need your embrace, Lord
And above all, I need your love
Remind me every day that you are good
Remind me that you are powerful
Teach me how to depend more on your love
Increase my faith, Lord
Teach me how to rest in Your presence
Give me enough strength
I raise my hands Father God
As a sign that I will continue to worship you
Even if I can’t understand what’s happening
Have your way
In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.

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Thank you God for always being with me