His Word

Day 175 – Luke 16:10

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Luke 16:10, NIV

Treasure the little blessings that God provided for you. Learn to maximize your resources and use your talents to bless others. Make it grow and prosper in the presence of God. Take good care of the things you have because if you are responsible enough to handle God’s little blessings, you will be entrusted with bigger things in life. Never underestimate the things that you have right now. Use God’s gift as an opportunity for you to grow and help more people. Make the most of your time and grow in His presence. Embrace the lessons that God wants you to learn and make sure to apply them. God already gave you enough resources. You just have to learn how to efficiently use all of it for His glory.

May you learn to take good care of the little things that you have so that you will be entrusted with great things in life.