His Word

Day 10 – 1 John 2:4

Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person.

1 John 2:4, NIV

Follow God’s instruction, and only then will people realize that you are His child. They will know that you are a follower of Jesus. Let your actions reflect His love and grace. Be the light in this world and only then will people open their hearts and know Him more. Following Him means you obey His commands and abide in His ways. Your actions speak louder than the words that you say. Learn to do good things to others and love them the way God loves you. People will know that you are a Christian by the way you act and treat them. You are His ambassador, so learn to serve the people around you and obey His commands.

I pray that you will choose to follow Christ and abide in His ways.