Day 122 – Matthew 10:31
So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:31,NIV
Don’t be afraid because you are so important in the eyes of God. You may think that you can’t make it because all you see are the things that you don’t have, but always remember that God will take good care of you, and He will never abandon you. He will provide for your needs. If He could take good care of the birds in the sky, then He will surely sustain you with enough blessings. Do not rely on your own strength and ability. Rely more on the power of God in your life, and you will never be disappointed with whatever situation you will encounter. Know that He is your creator, and He truly knows the desires of your heart. So continue to honor Him in everything you do, and He will always be there to guide you.
I pray that you will choose to believe that God will provide even if you go through life difficulties.