Day 133 – Matthew 20:28
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many
Matthew 20:28, NIV
Jesus came here on earth to show what it means to serve other people. And just like what He did, we are also called to serve our brothers and sisters. You may find it challenging to help other people especially when they can’t appreciate the things that you did for them, but do everything for the glory of God. He knows your heart and He acknowledge all the effort the you exerted just to serve the people around you. Be humble and learn to offer what you have to Honor the name of God. Share the talents and skills that God provided for you and use it to bless other people. Make use of the resources around you and show to others what it means to obey and follow Jesus.
I pray that you will have a servant heart that’s always willing to help those people who are struggling.