His Word

Day 251 – Mark 8:31

He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again.  

Mark 8:31, NIV

Jesus said these words to His disciples after He asked them about who He was. He already informed them beforehand that He would suffer and be rejected by so many people. And not only that, He will also experience physical death. But despite the negative things that He would go through, Jesus shared with them a wonderful promise – after three days, He would rise again. He knew the things that would happen to Him, but despite of the hard truths that He needed to accept. He did not run away and do the opposite thing. He boldly faced suffering and rejection for the sake of His people. That’s how big His love is. So never treat yourself as worthless because Jesus suffered and was rejected for you to be saved.

I pray that you won’t forget the great love that Jesus poured out on the cross.

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