Day 286 – Proverbs 12:3
No one can be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted.
Proverbs 12:3, NIV
Do not seek the wicked ways of this world. Your foundation will remain so weak if you choose to listen to the enemy. Do what is right and allow the blood of Jesus to purify your soul. Only then will you receive the strength that will help you to keep going. Put in mind that the righteous cannot be uprooted. It means that no matter how difficult your life is, you will stay grounded even when you face so many storms. Your faith will grow stronger, and your life will continue to prosper in the Lord. Just follow His ways and do not rely on your own understanding. Respect God and glorify His name in everything that you do.
May you choose to do the right thing, and you will receive God’s strength.