His Word

Day 346 – James 2:24

You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.

James 2:24, NIV

Let your actions reflect your faith in God. Sometimes, we keep things inside, and we think that it is enough when we just believe and learn new things. But then faith is nothing if we don’t apply it in our lives. You may think that it’s so hard but never forget that God will teach you how to do it. Just be humble enough to follow His instructions. Serve Him and the people around you. Let your words and the things you do be rooted in love. Align your life to God, and He will guide you on what to do. Righteousness is not just bout trusting and believing in Him, but it’s more about sharing His love to other people and applying His word in our daily lives.

May you always put your faith into action.