His Word

Don’t allow your Circumstances to Define you as a Person

The challenges around you can never define who you are. Just because you experienced rejection doesn’t mean you are not enough. Just because you commit mistakes doesn’t mean you are a failure. Let the circumstances you face shape your heart and mind, but don’t allow them to disturb your soul. You are God’s creation. And that means He alone determines your true identity. Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t judge your life according to the problems that God allowed you to face. The difficulties you encounter can never change your identity in the eyes of God. He will always look at you with love regardless of the circumstances in front of you. He sees your heart more than the situation that you are in. Just listen to His voice, and He will empower you to overcome the negative things you experience.

Don’t allow your success to define you. Sometimes, we would look at ourselves as different people when we experience victories in life. But the truth is, you are always God’s champion, and it’s not because of your efforts and your own strength. It’s always part of your identity. Don’t treat your riches as something that will dictate who you are. Your money can never define you as a person. You may treat yourself as successful the moment you acquire great wealth, but even if you are surrounded by small and simple blessings, still, you are already victorious in the presence of God.

Don’t allow your failures to destroy your soul. Treat them as lessons. You are not your mistakes. Just because you fail to choose the right thing doesn’t mean you are a bad person. God looks at your intentions and the status of your heart. So instead of condemning yourself, choose to release forgiveness and let the failures lead you to God’s plans. Apply the lessons that you learned and believe that God will be there for you. He will give you the grace to move forward and start again. Look at yourself according to God’s perspective and stop following your own understanding. Treating yourself as a failure can never solve your problems.

You are a child of God. Don’t base your identity according to your circumstances. You are always precious and important in the eyes of your Creator. Walk with Him, and He will teach you how to accept yourself. It won’t be an easy journey, but if you patiently abide in His ways, then you will certainly live this life according to who He created you to be. You will no longer be easily swayed by the problems you experience because you know in yourself that you are always loved regardless of the challenges that life throws at you.