• Faith

    Putting Jesus at the Center of your Life isn’t just about Worshipping Him

    Humans have the tendency to rely on their own strength and knowledge. And because we live in a modern world where we can easily get the things that we want, we tend to have this impatient attitude that somehow keeps us from experiencing the will of God. Not only that, when we are overwhelmed by our situation, we tend to allow our emotions to take over. We somehow forget the important things because we focus on what we are facing. Our strengths are limited. We are not perfect. This is the reason why we need Jesus in our lives. We must put Him at the center so that we will…

  • His Word

    Romans 8:5, NIV

    Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. Romans 8:5, NIV What are the things that you focus on? What are your concerns in life? Is it about the desires of your flesh? Or the important things that your spirit needs? You see, this world will somehow tempt you to focus on what you can see, taste and hear. There will be days when the desires of your flesh are stronger than the desires of your spirit. When that happens, always remember what the…

  • His Word

    Romans 3:23, NIV

    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.  Romans 3: 23, NIV We all fall short of the glory of God. Sin is in our blood. No one is righteous apart from those who believe in Jesus. This is the reason why we need God’s salvation. We need the grace of God to redeem us, and we can only experience it in the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Apart from Him, we will never experience real life. It’s Him who can lead us to eternity. Our good deeds and…

  • His Word

    Romans 2:6, NIV

    God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” Romans 2:6 Do what’s right in the eyes of God. Don’t just follow your own will. Stop treating yourself as if you are the ruler of your life. Acknowledge the sovereignty of God and learn to honor His Name. Love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. Let His goodness inspires you to abide by His instructions. Remember that He will repay you according to what you have done. So sow good seeds in your life, and you will reap the harvest. Let go of the negative things and stop listening to the lies of the enemy. Release…

  • Faith

    God can Heal the Deepest Wound in your Heart

    No one really knows what it feels like to carry that pain in your heart except God. He witnessed everything. He was there. He was with you when you first encountered that event that destroyed the way you look at life. He knows the back story and the outcome. God is aware of everything that you’ve been dealing with. And if, by chance, you are wondering why He allowed those things to happen, then remind yourself that we all have free will. God may want us to experience the fullness of this life, but He usually gives us the freedom to choose. God gave you a chance to make your…

  • His Word

    John 11:25-26, NIV

    Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11: 25-26, NIV Do you believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? He has the power to raise us up. He can lead us to a place where we will experience eternity with Him. And if we believe in Him, then we will never die. Our bodies may fade and be back to ashes, but our souls will stay with Him forever. So don’t just dwell on the temporary riches…

  • His Word

    John 7:38

    Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. John 7:38, NIV If you are thirsty and weary, if your soul is craving for things that this world can’t provide, then come to Jesus. He is the only one who can satisfy your thirst. In Him, you will receive living water. He will take away the emptiness in your heart and give you reasons to live. This world may give you temporary treasures, but God is the only one who can make you whole. So instead of focusing on gaining wealth that will only last for a lifetime, choose to fix your…

  • His Word

    Don’t allow your Circumstances to Define you as a Person

    The challenges around you can never define who you are. Just because you experienced rejection doesn’t mean you are not enough. Just because you commit mistakes doesn’t mean you are a failure. Let the circumstances you face shape your heart and mind, but don’t allow them to disturb your soul. You are God’s creation. And that means He alone determines your true identity. Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t judge your life according to the problems that God allowed you to face. The difficulties you encounter can never change your identity in the eyes of God. He will always look at you with love regardless of the circumstances in front of you.…

  • Faith

    You need to Feed your Soul with the Right Food

    Try to check the thoughts that you have in mind. Are you feeding your soul with the right food? Sometimes, we just allow ourselves to stay in a place that slowly kills our souls. We remain in the darkness, where we only hear negative thoughts that hinder us from experiencing more of God. We think of the worst things and tend to forget the miracles that our loving Father did. We need to keep in mind that we are created not just to have a physical body but also to have a soul that we need to nourish. So don’t just live in this world and satisfy your flesh. Remember…

  • His Word

    Day 431 -Luke 9:25

    What good is it to for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self. Luke 9:25, NIV There are times when we choose to gain treasures that will only last for a moment. Let’s not forget that eternity exists, and there are things that you can’t take with you when your life here on earth is finished. So instead of focusing on building earthly wealth, choose to nourish your soul first. Keep on walking in God’s presence and do the things that will help you grow spiritually. Read His words so that you will receive His wisdom and revelation. Choose to follow Jesus even…