Day 423 – Luke 8:23
As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.
Luke 8:23, NIV
Jesus fell asleep in the middle of the storm. At that moment, He had just finished ministering to the people, and He took some time to rest. While He was having His nap, His disciples, on the other hand, felt worried and afraid because of the strong winds. Many times in our lives, we can also relate to what the disciples experienced. We easily feel scared by the unexpected circumstances around us that we can no longer activate our faith. Instead of remembering God’s promises, we tend to follow our fears and listen to the lies of the enemy. Let’s not forget what Jesus did in the storm. He remained calm. He stayed still despite the wind and strong waves. May we also learn to do the same thing. Let’s choose to trust God, especially when we go through difficulties in life.
I pray that you will receive God’s peace and rest even in the middle of the storm.