His Word

Day 461 – Luke 21: 4

All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

Luke 21: 4, NIV

Jesus saw a rich man and a poor widow offering gifts to the temple treasury. Then as He observed both of them, He said that the poor widow put in more treasures than the others even though she only put in two very small copper coins. And the reason is the rich man gave out of their wealth, but the widow put in all she had to live on. She offered greater sacrifice than the others. You see, God is not looking at the quantity of your offering for Him. He looks at the cost of your sacrifices. So if you think that what you are doing for His Kingdom is too small, then know that God appreciates your efforts according to the cost that you need to sacrifice just for you to serve Him.

May you always remember what matters most in the eyes of God.