Day 478 – John 1:48
“How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.”
John 1: 48, NIV
Nathanael wondered why Jesus knew him, and that’s when he realized that His Savior saw Him even before they met. You see, many times we think that nobody knows us. People try to throw so many judgments about who we are, yet they don’t have any clue about the things that we are facing. They act as if they know us by heart. But the truth is, only Jesus knew and saw everything that happened in our lives. He is aware of our deepest thoughts and our wildest dreams. He deeply knew us because He walked along the journey with us. Jesus sees you.
I pray that you will never forget that Jesus knew you by heart so you can always trust in Him.