
God is waiting for you to receive His Joy

You are surrounded by blessings that are freely given. God’s love surrounds you a lot more than you ever know. You may not always see it the way He intends to be, but know that He never missed and forgot to bless you. Believe that He understands what you are going through and knows how to mend the pain. His presence will sometimes require your effort and choice to be found and felt. He will never intervene and push to enter your life. He is a God that does not force your heart to believe Him. He is a tender and gentle God who will always wait for you to come around to receive Him. 

His joy is priceless. It does not always come and wrap the way the world defines happiness. IT goes deeper than just laughing and smiling. It will occupy the deepest of your heart and help you reveal your actual worth and value. His joy is incomparable. It will give rest to your tired soul, and it will help your heart find its home. He wants you to receive it because you are His delight. That is why, do not invite unwanted pain into your life. Be conscious of what you allow in your heart. Regardless of your history, always give yourself a chance to unleash the chain of pain from the past. God knows how painful and tough the process will be. That is why He will wait for you to receive Him. 

The process will sometimes be challenging. Know that the process you will go through will bend you but will lead you for the better. It’s like a treasure that only you and He knows where to find. But it will be a treasure that you will never trade for anything. You just have to open your heart and mind to it. Lay to Him everything that is pulling you down. Give up the sad and depressing thoughts. Surrender your worries to Him. Only then will you make some space in your heart that He can enter. Unload the things you don’t need and stop clinging to things that have no grip on you. Remember that it will be hard to breathe freely if your heart is too occupied. 

Always remember that He never left you. His grace always surrounds you, and you can always receive it. His blessings overflow, and they will never stop. All you have to do is to welcome better things in your heart and mind. Have Him as the core and center of everything, and may your choices be aligned with His plans for you. Communicate to Him constantly and invite Him in everything you do, every choice you create, and every plan you craft. Welcome His presence and rejoice in His love. Always start your day with His love and favor, and you will have memorable and fulfilling days ahead. 

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