Dear God, Please give me the strength to hold on to your Promises
This life is not easy, Lord. Many times, I’m easily tempted to give up, especially when I experience pain in life. I am not a superhero who can solve all my problems. But even if I have limitations, I know that I can ask for some strength from you. So this is the cry of my heart. Please teach me how to hold on to your words, especially in the midst of the storm. I just find it so difficult to believe in your promises when negative things surround me. It seems so impossible. But even if I can’t see them yet, please give me the courage to still believe. I pray for the kind of faith that’s willing to keep on walking even if there are so many uncertainties. Please lead me to your arms every single day. So that I will be reminded of who you truly are.
I need your strength, Lord. I can’t live this life on my own. I need your instructions. This world throws so many surprises, and there are times when I can’t just comprehend them. I find it hard to process the unexpected things that I encounter. Sometimes, I just wanted to quit. But your promises are there. They serve as my guiding light in the middle of the darkness. Just give me a humble heart Lord to accept your will. Remind me that you are faithful. I can easily forget this truth, especially when I encounter pain in life. I once thought that being with you meant living life without challenges. But now, I realize that it’s always part of the process. I just need to learn how to keep my faith.
It’s not easy to receive your promises, Lord, especially when what’s happening around me is the exact opposite of what you’ve been telling me. It’s so difficult to hold on to things that I can’t see. But I know that you are there to teach me how to do this. You are there, giving me the guidance that I need. So help me, Father, that I may not trust my own understanding. Give me the kind of faith that’s willing to stay even when it hurts. Give me hope, Lord. I pray for your comfort, especially when I feel so tired of fighting my battles inside.
There’s this voice in my head that leads me to doubt your promises. I hear words like, “It will never happen. It’s impossible. Stop hoping.” It’s so hard to shut down the lies. That’s why I surrender this life to you. Come and move, my Lord. Reign in my heart, mind, and soul that I may not be tempted to follow someone else’s voice. Instead, I will learn to hold on to your words even if it’s so hard. I pray for the grace to believe that your promises will soon come to pass in your perfect timing.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray.