
Dear God, Thank you for teaching me what Humility is through the pain that I encountered

You are so good, Lord. You are so amazing in all your ways. You allowed things to happen not to punish or destroy me, but it’s there to give me lessons I can never forget. Thank you for the painful things that you allowed me to experience. Because in those moment, I slowly realize what it truly means to depend on you. In times when I can find my way out, your goodness reminds me that I always have a Savior. I may asked you before to take away the pain, but thank you Lord for not listening. Those heartbreaking seasons led me to humbly rely on your strength. You simply taught me how to let go and surrender. You taught me how to look at the bigger picture even when my tears can’t stop falling. Thank you for speaking and opening my ears. Thank you for giving me the chance to appreciate everything you gave.

Father, if you didn’t allowed me to go through brokenness, I would’ve relied on my own understanding. I never really know what you mean to me not until I experienced deep wounds in my heart. I realized that I can never heal myself. Yes, I need to make wise decisions, but I really need your grace to walk with me along the healing process. I can never do it on my own. The pain feels like a slap on my face telling me to wake up and stop thinking of my own desires. It opened my eyes to the things that you are doing behind the process. The moment I learned to let go of the frustrations and disappointments, that’s when your love came in and transformed me from the inside out.

Your grace is overwhelming, Lord. I’ve been trying to push you away because I though that you just wanted to hurt me. I tried to blame and accused you of things you didn’t do. And even though I was tempted to give up. Still, your hands are there. You are holding me close in your heart. You poured out to me the kind of love that this world can never give. It’s so unique and perfect. It’s flawless and endless. And because of that love, I was able to walk along the healing journey. Your kindness brought me here, Lord. I will never arrive in this place if not because of what you did.

You never fail to teach me what’s right even in moments when I choose to complain over my situation. You patiently reminded me of your instructions, and you never gave up. I know that it breaks your heart to see me cry, but still you did the right thing. You allowed me to go through the breaking because you knew that blessings are waiting for me. You embraced me Lord especially when I’m in pain. You never fail, Father. You made me realize what true humility is by the pain that I experienced.

That’s why, I thank you for everything.

Thank you Lord for breaking my heart, and teaching me how to humbly surrender.


  • lorj

    Lord, I hope and pray that You would help me reach this level of humility and point of total surrender in Your Holy will for my life. I find it hard to understand everything right now and I know I cannot do it all by myself. Please help me.