Self Development

Do not Judge the Person According to the Mistakes they Committed

Do not do to others what you don’t want to experience.  Nobody wants to be judged according to their mistakes. If it happens to your life, you probably wanted to make other people realize what you are going through and make them stop judging you. So do not put conclusions according to the wrong things that others did. You need to discover their stories first. You never know who they truly are not unless you find time to listen to them. Remember that our mistakes can never dictate our destiny. Choose to love and accept others like what God did to your life. It’s one way of encouraging them to make better decisions next time. Share the hope that is in you, and please don’t be the reason why other people find it hard to get back up.

It’s not your job to judge others. God said in Matthew 7:2, your standard of measure in judging others will also be measured to you. So if you judge according to other people’s mistakes, then God will also use the same measurement in your life. That’s why let Him rule in your heart, and He will transform you to love and understand others. God alone has the right to judge everyone. So let Him do His part and stop thinking negative things about the people around you. The best that you can do is help them and not condemn them for what they did. You are the bearer of God’s light. So let it shine to someone going through a hard time dealing with their own sins and mistakes.

Give other people the chance to grow and mature. Remember that we are not perfect. One way or another, we all have the tendency to disappoint the people around us. So choose to be patient. Sometimes, it takes mistakes for us to fully comprehend the things that God wanted us to learn. It’s going to be painful, but the good thing is we keep on growing despite the wrong things we committed. And that’s the beauty of following God. He causes all things to work for our own good. That’s how amazing His grace is.

Remember the way God loves you despite all your mistakes. He never condemned you for what you did. He still shows His compassion and mercy. May we learn to do the same thing to the people around us. We are not called to judge others. But our Heavenly Father wanted us to serve and love our neighbors just like how we love ourselves. It’s impossible to follow God without loving the people around us. That’s just part of who He is. God is love, and that’s how we should represent Him to this broken world.