Do Things One At A Time
Do not be in a hurry. Sometimes, you feel so pressured with your own timeline to the point that you unknowingly forget to rest. Remember that you are not a robot. Even machines need to take some rest for them to function effectively. Take a pause and start to look at your own pace. Maybe you need to slow down and learn to appreciate the wonderful things around you. Listen to your body, and acknowledge your emotions. Do not compare your progress to others because your journey is unique, and God prepared a special path for you to take. Just set your eyes on God, and He will teach you how to relax and enjoy the present. Do not miss His blessings for today. Enjoy what you are doing, and stop looking at the things that you don’t have yet.
Do not worry about tomorrow. Maybe you tried to accomplish so many things because you are thinking about your future. But remember that God will provide for what you need. If He sustained the birds in the sky and flowers in the field, then He would take good care of you. Today already brings a set of challenges that you need to face, so stop thinking about the problems that never exist in the first place. Surrender all your doubts to God and let Him help you. Let your heart be consumed with His love, and you will receive His peace. You think that you can’t make it because you are already thinking of the negative things that might happen. Do not be afraid. Know that God will help you.
You will feel so exhausted if you keep on pressuring yourself. Stop focusing on your own timeline. Acknowledge the will of God in your life and let Him move. Manage your expectations. Let Him reveal to you the things that you need to prioritize. Do not rely on your own understanding. Remember that there are a lot of lessons that you still need to learn. Do what you can do and lift up to God the things that you can’t handle. He will carry it for you. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.
Treasure every moment that God provided for you. He gave you enough time. You just need to make the most of what you have according to what you need. Do not waste your energy thinking about the things that never exist. Focus on your present and remember that the grace of God is always enough. Slow down, take a pause, learn to rest, and you will figure things out.