Self Development

Don’t Escape Your Feelings, Learn To Face Them

If you wanted to hide the truth inside and think that it’s the best thing to do, then it’s about time for you to acknowledge your feelings. Don’t escape the truth. Learn to face it. Because the moment you will learn to handle it, you will be able to give yourself the chance to mature and grow from the inside.

Your feelings and emotions are not your enemies. You don’t have to punish yourself every time you think that what you feel inside is not appropriate. Maybe there’s an important message that your heart wants to relay if you feel troubled inside. You just have to listen and learn to understand yourself. Because the more you know what you feel inside, the more you will understand what it means to be considerate with others’ feelings.

Learn to face it. You don’t have to hide yourself away from the people who made you feel that way. It may be difficult for you, but the best thing that you can do is not to avoid it. Because that’s where healing begins when you learn to acknowledge and accept it to yourself. Just pray for strength so that you can make it. Sometimes, it’s challenging for us to face something that we can’t even see. But as long as you still feel the emotions inside, you always have to power to overcome it.

Yes, it’s not going to be easy. The truth really hurts. But who knows, there’s a hidden blessing behind that emotion you have right now. Maybe God is just teaching you how to handle it. And He wants you to learn how to deal with it so that one day, you will be able to love others, just like how you love yourself and above all, just like how God loves you.

If God doesn’t want us to acknowledge our emotions, then He should’ve not included it to be part of our life. He has a purpose for it, and that purpose will never be fulfilled if you will just always ignore it. So go ahead and take a step of courage.  You can make it! Believe that God will be with you along the way. You are alive, and your emotions will make you feel that you are here on earth for a purpose. May you always treat your feelings as your friend.