Self Development

Don’t just dwell on your own Understanding

It takes humility to accept the truth that you don’t know everything. It may seem like you’ve been through a lot of journeys in life, and you probably learned so many things, but that doesn’t give you the assurance that you will easily figure out the solutions to your next problems. You never really know what will happen next. You don’t know how this world works not until you ask the Creator Himself. So please don’t rely on your own understanding. Don’t focus on your own knowledge because God will prove to you that there is still so much more that you need to discover. Open your heart and allow Him to reign in your life. Let Him teach you how to manage the situations that He allows you to face.

Don’t focus on your own knowledge. When you encounter unexpected situations, the very first thing that you need to do is pray. Ask for God’s strength and receive His faith. Let Him give you the courage to keep moving even when you don’t know what’s happening. He will fill your heart with His promises. And His words will be there to give you directions. Just stop listening to your own voice. It’s good that you acknowledge everything that’s going on inside, but that doesn’t mean you need to follow what’s on your mind. Rethink and carefully evaluate your situation.

Humble yourself and ask for God’s wisdom. Seek His voice and acknowledge His corrections. Before you make any conclusions, try to pause for a while and align your thoughts to God. Let Him redirect you to His path. You will only be guided by the Holy Spirit when you choose to listen. You need to open your eyes and heart so that you will receive His instructions. You need to surrender your own will so that He can reign in your life. This won’t be easy, but one thing is for sure, God will always be there. His grace will sustain you in the end. Just follow Him.

Read the bible and study His words. And the Holy Spirit will teach you how to process what you have learned. Saturate your mind with His promises and instructions, and only then will you slowly realize that what you have in mind is nothing compared to what God prepared for you. Keep learning and growing in His presence. Don’t stop studying His words because that’s how you will discover more of God. And when you know Him with all your heart, mind, and soul, then you will also figure out the right thing to do, especially when you face struggles.