Don’t spend too much of your Time on Things that can’t save your soul
There are things in life that we think are important, but at the end of the day, it leads to destruction. Human as we are, we tend to focus on temporary treasures rather than nourish our souls. That’s why we sometimes end up devastated and lost because we spend most of our time entertaining ourselves rather than pleasing God. Never forget that we only have limited time here on earth. And everything you worked hard for will come to waste if you just do things to satisfy your selfish desires.
Your spirit and soul also need nourishment. So focus on things that will take you to eternity. Grow in the presence of God and prioritize your relationship with Him. He alone can lead you in the right direction. You won’t enjoy His blessings in heaven if you can’t appreciate His presence here on earth. Set your eyes on His love, and you will realize what matters most in the end.
Use your time wisely. You only live once, so you might as well use everything you have to glorify God’s name. Don’t be too occupied with the entertainment of this world, such as scrolling down your social media feed or watching movies. It’s okay to have some fun, but if you just use what you have for your own benefit, then you’ll fail to discover God’s heart.
He wants you to love Him and the people around you. The moment you learn to give yourself away so that others will live, you will also receive more of His love. You will realize what it means to know and truly serve Him. A real child of God knows how to spend His time in ways that will honor his Father in Heaven. So don’t be tempted to waste the resources that He gave you.
God alone can save your soul. You can’t keep yourself away from hell. By nature, you are imperfect, and sins flow in your blood. That’s why Jesus came here on earth to save and redeem us. He is the only one who can lead you to heaven, so nourish your relationship with Him and trust Him as the King of your life. Let His love and grace transform your heart and soul. Only then will you learn to look at things the way God sees them. He needs to renew your thoughts first so that you’ll realize the importance of your faith in Him. Know that your money and abilities can’t save you from the works of the enemy. Only the blood of Jesus can overcome the principalities of this world. He alone can transform you into a person who values Heavenly things.
Where you spend eternity will matter on how you live this life. So it’s better to do uncomfortable and scary things for the glory of God than spend your life in luxury yet end up in misery. Before everything is too late, try to look at the status of your soul. How’s your faith in the Lord? Are you growing in His presence? Do you enjoy His company? It’s very important to experience God’s love while you are still here on earth so that you’ll have a glimpse of what it feels like to be in heaven. And you can only receive more of His love the moment you learn to spend more time in His presence.

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Nathaniel Myles