Experience Peace
You can give yourself
The chance to experience peace
Remember that God gave you the freedom
To choose between things
The burden that you are feeling
Are sometimes unnecessary things
That is caused by the things heard
Or even something you are not sure with
Opening quickly to negative thoughts
Could open mind too conscious
That could ruin focus on essential things
And could lead to weakening faith
Try to find your peace
Fill your mind with rightful thoughts
Things that would bless you
And those who are with you
Give yourself a chance to rest
Don’t hold onto your circumstances
And seek the will of God always
Remember that everything will change
Ask Him about the best things to do
That surpasses all understanding
He will then give you the rest
And guide you to overcome battles
Just acknowledge Him in your life
Stop dealing with temporary things
Soon, everything in life changed
But God will stay with His goodness