Failures will Teach you what Genuine Humility Is
The mistakes that you committed in the past can potentially open your eyes to the real status of your heart. How you react to them and the way you handle them will give you some ideas about how you see yourself. Sometimes, when we experience victories in life, we tend to put confidence in ourselves, thinking that we absolutely deserve the credit. And because of that mindset, we make decisions out of our own will and understanding. We fail to consider the desires of God and just do things that will satisfy our hearts. And the moment we experience the consequences of our choices, that’s when we realize that we did the wrong thing. Failures are like eye-opener that give us the ability to truly see reality according to how God perceives them. Mistakes help us realize that we can’t rely on our own understanding. We simply need God.
If you want to experience what genuine humility is, recall those moments when God sustained you while you faced the consequences of your decisions. Imagine how He turned the bad things you experienced into a blessing? He was there, carrying the burden with you. That kind of love alone will lead you to humble yourself in His presence. God never leaves you in your darkest days. Even though some of those days are part of your own decisions, He still gave you the hope and the grace you need to keep going. Even though you first started the path according to your own will, still your love never leaves your side. That’s how merciful and amazing He is. So when you commit mistakes, please never forget those moments when God rescued you from the past.
Learn to deal with your failures by focusing on God and not on yourself. You will feel so overwhelmed by your situation if you will focus on your weaknesses. Things won’t appear a blessing if you keep looking at your circumstances according to your own perspective. You need to learn how to surrender in God’s presence. Failures can absolutely teach you how to trust God. You just need to fix your eyes on Him and not on your imperfections. Focus on His goodness and let His love give you the strength to try and start the journey again. Hold His hands and let His wisdom guide you to the right path.
Let your failures lead you to depend on God. Stop condemning yourself. Instead, choose to be humble and accept the mistakes you committed. Ask for His forgiveness and repent. It means that you need to change the way you see things. Your perspective somehow dictates your decisions in life. Slowly let go of your wrong ways, and align yourself with God. Commit your life to Him, and He will help you deal with your failures in life. He will open your eyes and give you the chance to see the blessings behind the circumstances that you are in.