Faith comes first before the Act of Surrender
You can never fully lay down the burdens to God if you don’t have enough faith to believe that He will take good care of you. You will find it hard to surrender if, all this time, you keep on telling yourself that you are all alone. You need faith first before you learn to let go of certain things. Trust in His ways and know that He loves you so much. His love will cast out all your fears. It will give you the strength to keep going despite of worries and doubts. Believe that better days are coming. Receive the hope that He wants to give you. Let His promises shine in your life like a bright light that takes away the darkness and fears. Open your heart and allow Him to come in. Only then will you learn how to surrender.
Build your faith first by reading God’s word. Study the scripture and learn from His ways. Observe how He dealt with the people and remember His principles. Bind His promises in your heart because you need them to face the storms in life. Learn who Jesus is. Reflect on His ways and how He interacts with His disciples. In such a way, you will also have an idea about the way He interacts and communicates with you. Be intentional in building your faith. A relationship will never grow if God is the only one who will initiate. You need to learn how to also seek Him.
You need to make a decision to faithfully abide in God. Your faith will grow the moment you will learn to submit to God’s presence. And when that happens, the unexpected circumstances in your life will no longer hinder you from coming to Him because that’s the time when you will have the courage to surrender. When you have enough faith, you will also be able to move forward despite of the doubts. You will learn to trust that God will help you carry all your burdens. The hard part is not the act of surrender, but it’s accepting the truth that God loves you and will always help you through.
If you find it hard to give up certain things, then try to check your faith first. How’s the way you look at God? What’s His position in your life? Do you even allow Him to move according to His ways? Or do you just dictate to Him what to do? You can’t solve all the problems in just a snap. You need to go through the process and patiently walk with God. There will be moments when He will ask you to surrender, and behind that instruction is your opportunity to keep your faith in Him.