
Faith Is Choosing To Believe That God Is Already Moving Even If You Can’t See Anything

The circumstances around you may be so difficult for you to handle. But always remember that God is working in the midst even if you can’t see His ways. He is helping your right now, so continue to trust Him. Have faith! And one day, you will see the things that His been doing all this time.

Believe that God cares for you. He loves you enough to guide and help you with your situation. You may not see Him, but He will prove to you that He never abandons you. He never let go of your hands, not even once. He is holding you all this time. Ever since you are born, God is already moving in the midst. So do not worry about your life. Surrender all your problems to Him. He will always be there for you. There are times when you can’t really feel His presence but just keep your faith. Maybe God is preparing you for something great.

Sometimes, you don’t have to understand the things that are going on in your life. You just have to rely on God’s grace because at the end of the day, He is the only one who can really help you through. God alone can rescue you from the darkest season of your life. So try to focus on His power and love. And only then will you experience the kind of joy that only Him can offer. Surrender all your fears to Him.

The faith that is in you will only grow if you face things that are out of your control. When you experience new things, that’s the time you will activate the faith deep within. If your situation right now is something that you are not really familiar with and you wanted to quit because you don’t know what to do, this is the perfect time for you to simply trust Him. All you have to do is to believe that He is already moving in the midst.

Instead of praying for the solution to your problem, learn to ask God to increase your faith. Because only then will you be able to realize the important things that you failed to recognize before. You will see in your own eyes the miracles that you’ve been praying for all this time. Your faith determines the way you look at your situation. May you always see the beauty behind what you are going through. May you learn to trust and believe that God is working even if you can’t see anything.