Father God, Please Teach Me How To Love
Dear God,
I am in pain, Lord. This is the kind of pain the only you can heal. I can’t understand what I feel inside. Sometimes, I get so confused and distracted with the things happening inside me. And I tend to focus on my own strength and understanding more than I trust in your ways. I allowed the pain to consume my heart to the point that I tend to forget you along the way. That’s why Lord, this is the cry of my heart right now. Please teach me how to love.
Father, teach me how to love the people who hurt me. I don’t want to hate them, Lord, but it’s really hard to forgive them. I can’t love them on my own, Lord. The pain inside became a very thick wall that is just so difficult to break. So right now, I surrender to you my heart. I know that it’s so broken and messed up, but I believe that you are a God who restores broken things and transforms it into something beautiful. Have your way, Lord. I don’t know what to do. I do believe that you are powerful than anything else. So come and use the broken pieces of my heart and may it glorify your name above all else.
Teach me how to follow your ways Lord, that I may always put your words in my heart. Give me a teachable heart that’s always willing to listen to your voice. I do have so many doubts and fears in my mind Lord, but I know that your love will take over. I’m simply nothing without you, Lord, I need you in my life every day. I just want to be with you for the rest of my life. Come and fill my heart with your love and peace that I may be able to share it with others.
Your love is the reason why I made it this far, Lord. I don’t know where I would be without you. You’ve been with me all this time, and you never let me go, not even once. So thank you so much, Lord, for not giving up on me. Thank you so much for Your patience. Thank you for loving me despite all the mistakes that I committed. You are my only hope Lord. I know that one day, you will heal my heart and make it new.
In Jesus Name.

One Comment
Chloe Rose Moyle
God bless you and your beautiful page! It has encouraged my heart countless of times and blessed my soul. Praise God for this ministry you’ve been given. This prayer was the very prayer on my heart put into words. Amen & thank you so much!
God bless you and keep you, always!
Chloe x