
Focus on what you have

Don’t focus on what you don’t have
You may think life’s still lacking
But God knows what you truly need
He sees your heart

God hears your prayers
He knows you better than anyone
He already prepared great blessings
So, wait and be patient

Look at the blessings that are with you
And choose to treasure them
You never know when God will take them back
So, while it’s still there, appreciate them

Look at the miracles around you
Those are the things you used to pray
So choose to be grateful
And rejoice in all of God’s blessings

Enjoy all and every moment
That God allowed you to experience
You will miss the blessings
If you look for what isn’t there

You might fail to appreciate the present
If your heart so longs for the future
So don’t waste your time
Look ahead, but focus on our present

Treasure what you have right now
Embrace the grace and love of God every day
Let Him transform your heart
Let Him redirect you to His plans