Follow God’s words, and He will be with you
God gives you His instructions, not for His own good, but He knows what’s best for you. There will be moments when it’s so hard to understand His ways, but you just need to pray for a humble heart that’s always willing to follow Him. Remember that life is not just about knowing everything that’s going on, but it’s about trusting God despite all your questions and doubts. Yes, it’s not an easy thing to do, but His grace will be there to give you the courage you need.
Depend on His power and not on your own strength. Seek His word and choose to follow Him. This world will give you so many distractions, but you can overcome them if your mind is filled with God’s instructions. So before you start your day, come in the presence of God and connect your heart to Him. Align your plans to His will, and He will be there to give you the resources that you need. Listen to His voice, and you will receive His hope and peace.
Pursue the things that God called you to do. If He planted a dream or a desire in your heart, then it means that He is calling you for a greater purpose. Start to live according to His plans, and you will see His hands moving in the midst. When you abide in His ways, He will be with you. So if you think that God gave a very big vision in your life, then it means that He will surely perform miracles in ways you can never imagine.
A God-given dream feels so impossible to reach just by looking at our own knowledge and strength, but if you fix your eyes on Jesus, then you will surely experience more of His wonders. He is the source of all the things you need to fulfill your purpose here on earth. As long as you stay in His presence, you will have more than enough. Keep holding His hands and depend on Him, not on your own understanding and strength.
Always be rooted in His word. When you feel so confused about the best thing to do, choose to open your Bible and remind yourself about the principles that Jesus used in His ministry. Treat God’s word as your core foundation. That’s where you will learn more of His love. He will give you instructions through the verses you will read in the scriptures. Meditate on them and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Pray that wisdom will consume your thoughts. Allow Him to intervene, and He will show you the wonders of His words. It is the light that will guide your path. His words are like a double-edged sword that you can use against the power of the enemy. Learn from God, and you will slowly see yourself growing from glory to glory. In Him, you will figure out the things that you need to do for the expansion of His Kingdom. He will lead you to the right opportunities. Just listen to Him and learn from His instructions.
Remember that where God guides, He provides. It means that He has already prepared what you need and the best you can do is keep on taking the right steps. It doesn’t have to be big. You can take one small step at a time. Just be consistent and keep learning. Walk along the path that He prepared, and you will receive the right resources that you need. God is just waiting for you to step outside the walls you built. Go out and explore the opportunities He is giving you in this season. You will never know what’s waiting for you on the other side of the road. Put His word in your heart, and His love will be there to keep you safe.