God Can Turn Things Around
Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, and after taking some food, he regained his strength.
Acts 9: 18-19, NIV
Saul, also known as Paul, was once a man who hurt Christians. He was full of zeal and eagerness to destroy those who follow Jesus. In fact, he went to Damascus just to threaten the people there, not knowing God had a different plan for him. It turned out that Saul met Jesus along the way. He encountered the Man who changed his life forever.
From a person who persecuted the church to a person who was willing to die for the gospel. The story of Saul is one of the unexpected twists that Jesus planned. Who would have thought that He would use someone like him? Who would have expected that a man who hurt God’s people would someday become Jesus’ disciple?
You see, no one really knows the ways of God. Sometimes, He is so unpredictable. His ways are higher than our ways. There will be days when we couldn’t understand Him. But the one thing that we should do is trust in His plans. Let’s keep in mind that God can turn things around. He could do the impossible things. If He was able to choose to a man like Saul, then He could possibly use anyone.
This is a powerful reminder for us to always trust in God’s will. If we are in a situation where it feels like there’s no hope left, then, let’s remember that He can do miracles. No matter how difficult life is, let’s hold on to Jesus, because He always have better plans. He is working behind the scenes. And He will use anyone that He wants just to fulfill the desires of His heart.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding us that you are powerful enough to turn things around. Please give us the courage to believe in your name, especially when we can’t feel your presence. Teach us how to trust in your plans more than anything. This, we ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.