God Is A Perfect Parent Who Will Never Break Your Heart
Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.
Psalms 27:10, NIV
Our parents are not perfect. There will be times when they will break our hearts. Maybe because they have different hopes and expectations. Or perhaps they tried to project their past hurts to their children. For whatever reason they may have, we couldn’t expect them to be always loving and understanding. And David, in one of his cries to God, surrendered this pain by reminding himself that even though his parents would forsake him, the Lord was there to receive him.
He knew that God would stay no matter what happened. Just like David, we also have those heartbreaking days when we feel like our parents forsake us. But we can claim this promise. We need to remember that God is always there to receive us whenever we feel abandoned and lost. The wounds that we receive from our parents are not easy to mend. In fact, there are seasons when we need to painfully deal with them. They were like hidden wounds that affect the way we see our lives and our future.
Our parents are our first teachers and lovers. They are the ones who taught us what it means to sacrifice for the people we love. They are somehow bearers of the image of God in a child’s life. Parents somehow helped us build a strong foundation. That’s why it becomes so painful whenever they do things that would make us feel unimportant and abandoned. Sometimes, it becomes a deep wound in a child’s heart.
It’s not easy to face the painful past that we had with our parents. But let’s remember what David said. God will still receive us. He will come and give us the comfort that we need. He would teach us how to deal with the pain. And slowly, the time will come when God’s love will heal the wounds and mend what’s broken. So, keep your faith. Fix your eyes on God’s love, and never forget that He is a perfect parent who will never break your heart. One day, He will teach you how to forgive and share the love that you received from Him.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for the lives of our parents. Thank you for giving us the chance to know them. Please give us a heart that’s willing to love and respect them despite the painful things that they did. We pray that you will pour out your grace upon our lives so that we will learn to forgive and serve our parents with all our hearts. This we ask, in Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.