God is Shaping your Heart
Have you ever wondered why God allowed you to go through hardships? If you tried to ask this question in your mind, then maybe this is the answer that you’ve been looking for. God wants to shape your heart so that you will be more like Him. He wants to build your foundation from the inside so that you will not be easily shaken. Sometimes, it will take pain and patience, but you will realize that everything you went through is worth it when you see the finished masterpiece. You will never be the same again. Your heart will be stronger because God taught you how to overcome pain.
Know that God’s ways are always perfect. You may think that you are too broken to experience a better life, but when God moves, He can make your heart whole. There are times when you can’t understand what He is doing in your heart, but all you need to do is to trust Him. You will not appreciate His ways at first because what you will see are the wounds. But God will slowly turn your heart into a beautiful masterpiece that can never be broken. Only then will you learn to see the bigger picture. One day, you will realize that God will never do something that will destroy your life.
Your heart matters to God. Remember that people will see the physical appearance, but God looks at the heart, and He knows what’s going on inside. He is aware of the things that you need to face and change. That’s why there are times when you can’t understand what’s happening because you focus on the kind of changes that you can see in your naked eyes. But if you try to look on the inside, you will realize that God is already doing miracles in your life. He is transforming you in ways you can never imagine. From a wounded heart, God turned it into a pure and stronger one.
He will always choose to mold you into a better version of yourself. Yes, it’s going to be painful, and sometimes you will think of giving up, but as long as you let Him be the source of your strength, then you will always get through it. God is going to take away something that will hinder you from experiencing greater blessings. It’s not easy, but believe it or not, the process is always worth all the tears and pain. It’s more fulfilling to grow in the presence of God than live life on your own.

Thank you for your uplifting messages! God bless 🙂
Victoria Villanueva
I am going through heartaches and pains as what has happened to me in this trying times. I always seek GODs big heart and HIS love for all mankind. I almost gave up but HE never let me down. With my faith in Him….i will keep on moving….with what i perceive HE wants me to do and to be.