God is with you even in the Wilderness
One of the difficult moments in life is when you encounter problems that you think you can’t handle. It’s when you feel like you are walking in the darkness and there’s no one there to help. It’s when your tears can’t stop falling because of the pain you experienced. It’s like walking along the desert, and you can’t seem to find any shelter. It’s what we call the wilderness. It’s not easy to face it. It feels so devastating and painful, but the good news is God is always walking with you in the midst of storms and trials. He never let go of your hands. You may not feel His presence because it seems like the pain and lies are more real than His love and promises, but you need to hold on. You need to keep your faith because God is not done with you yet.
You are not alone. You always have a companion. The God who created this universe never leaves your side. You may be surrounded by darkness, and you can’t see any hope, but God’s promises will serve as your light. If you only believe with all your heart that He is the God of miracles, then you will surely gain the strength that you need to overcome your problems. Lean on His shoulders. Depend on His love. Stop relying on your own understanding. Remember that you are not the ruler of your life. If you treat Jesus as your King, then it’s time for you to allow Him to reign.
He provides what you need in the wilderness. Trust that God already prepared everything even before He allowed you to go through that season. His blessings are more than enough. You may not see or feel them, but His resources are all around you. Just open your ears so that you will hear His instructions. He will teach you how to maximize the little things that you have. He will open your mind and download the wisdom of heaven so that you will figure things out. You are not an orphan. God gave you everything that you need. You just must trust in His hands, especially when fears try to dominate. Just keep on declaring His goodness, and you will experience more of Him in the wilderness.
You may feel like your blessings are not enough, but you will be amazed because God will sustain you until the end. You will find His hands so mysterious and so close. In this moment of testing, God will show you a different side of Him. He will let you realize how powerful and amazing He is. Just wait and see. Be patient along the journey. Keep doing what’s right. And know that God is not blind. He sees what you are going through. In fact, He is holding your hands all along.